You know what really makes me laugh?

The Daily Hail would love that as a story. I can see the comments now.

Some would say legend, It did make for some great radio. The disillusion of parliament clip being played on the Radio 4 news was so funny. It is going to be a defining moment of the campaign.

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It was genius. Absolute genius.

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This is a Government office. The decision to call an election is a party political decision and as the announcement is the first shot in an election campaign then government apparatus like the media briefing room cannot be used.


Not really, he’s been doing the same thing at PMQ’s every week for at least a year. It’s just that no one notices.

I really am interested with what he will do after the election. His whole thing is opposing Brexit and that’s at odds with current (and I suspect long term) Labour policy.

Everyone noticed yesterday. It was mentioned on every news broadcast. D:REAM are going to make a fortune out of the broadcast rights.


It was Tony Blair’s theme in 1997 wasn’t it? Did he play the same one when Boris quit or was it his godawful version of “Bye Bye Baby” with different lyrics?

Prof Brian Cox will form his own space agency, complete with cadet force.

I’d be up for switching sides to that.

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It was

I’d be more tempted if it was Brian Cox (the actor) or Major Hogan as I prefer to think of him.


Even better would be Brian Blessed. Imagine the delivery of drill commands modelled after him!

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I thought we already had Space Cadets in this country?

We just happen to call them “The Conservative Party”

While the subject isn’t overly funny, this is a great headline.


Yeah, that’s why it was genius. Drown out the PM announcing his election bid with the song that soundtracked the destruction of his party in 1997. Headline in one paper this morning: Things Can Only Get Wetter.

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imagine walking down the street and you see that :laughing:

Maybe it’s because I deal with him all the time and know that he only has about 5 songs that he plays on a loop I find it less clever, if it wasn’t part of his normal playlist I might have more time for it. (Steve isn’t a big fan of mine at the best of times).


If it helps, the reason it stopped playing is because the rain blew his Amps.

I saw :rofl:

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It gets better. So the paid staff are being told to audit and inspect our SMS, but they won’t help us find out when our DBS renewal dates are, that’s down to us to manage and coordinate and ask to renew :rofl:

i doubt anyone thought to check the WBGT reading either!

(serious note is anyone doing these anymore?)