You know what really makes me laugh?

From experience, it’s an occupational hazard when running long distances…

You’re Paula Radcliffe and I claim my£5

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A few subtle references in there as well, like the thumb to the mushroom cloud.

Introduces mandatory voter ID. Forgets ID.


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The vibe I am getting from people is it’s a PR stunt by Boris to make him seem #Relatable.

I could believe it, but said stunt would have to have been formulated by one of his ‘team’ who then just arranged the conditions for it to happen naturally, i.e. just leave Boris unattended on voting day

Just had a letter from the NHS blood donor team. They think there’s too much fat in my blood. I’m 75kg and 180cm tall, if it’s in my blood it isn’t showing anywhere.

Hyperlipidermia can be indicative of kidney issues, so it’s well worth following up.

Yeah it’s fine, I’m going to, it just made me laugh

Easing back into work tomorrow after nearly a month off ill.
Picked up a case in my local court that would normally go to one of our inexperienced advocates. We’re £20 apart on the offers. The insurer is paying more for me to go than they could possibly ever save, especially as the claimant has horrendously undervalued their claim with their offer. Oh well, a nice no pressure return to work before going back on the bench on Friday.


New natural water (river) bathing sites have been named! Something that I’ve seen a lot of in other countries and really should be encouraged here.

BUT being a named site doesn’t mean it’s safe to swim in… :person_facepalming:

Doesn’t the designation of a site essentially just mean that the local council have to install monitoring equipment there and then give out warnings when it’s polluted more than is safe to swim in? I think it’s a good system… But the focus maybe should be on keeping it clean in the first place, rather than just monitoring it!

Flicking through my LinkedIn tonight, I saw an image that got my hopes up for a second…

I actually just LOL’d on the train.

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Well, I do now…

Not sure this is quite breaking news…

Earlier than i expected…i live in a tory heartland…like they could repeat world atrosities and the majority would still vote tory…

I live in a Marginal, managed to stay Conservative by around 50 votes at the local elections (the Council are really good and have proactively managed to prevent London Councils buying up new-build property and foisting their tenants on us which was what made the difference).