You know what really makes me laugh?

I’d gladly pay a monthly sub for spring water, but not filtered tap water.

sqn left the signs out last night. had to retrieve them this morning :joy:

What have I let myself in for? :joy:

Does anyone else sit there, hovering over the send button on an email, getting mild anxiety… painfully worrying about the email content, making sure you’ve put all the detail you need in to it… reading and re-reading it… while your anxiety increases…


Absolutely, for basically every email I send!

No, I usually just send and then the anxiety comes afterwards: when I realise I’ve replied to all, addressed the wrong people, attached the wrong file, used the wrong classification, included too much from earlier emails included in a forwarded email, etc, etc.

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if it is more than 3-4 lines then chances are it is not me offering a straightforward answer, either further details which need to be right, or instructions of what is going on.

Yes, every single time. Got to check every single section 3 times over minimum. And then mildly panic until you actually get a response letting you know it’s the right person.

This time, sending off a major milestone to a customer…

…and my boss emailing back later, thanking the team for their hard work. She checked in on us for the progress, even though it was a day she was rostered off…

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Not mentioned enough cheese

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After checking, checking and checking again…

I’ll revisit after the send and find a typo, a sentence that made sense to me but no one else, and something else wrong; like a faulty link.

Thank god nobody reads a single thing I send to them :joy:

Nonsense; it’s freezing today!

In a training session on Price Optimization and the maths behind it…not a clue what this lingo and maths theyre talking about but im still getting paid so winner

Im in shock, TK attended a Road Marching Event, and wrote something positive about it!


They’ve removed the chocolate and full sugar fizzy drinks from the vending machines on the ward to promote healthier snacking. I’m on board with that, even if it means no more daily snickers.
But today they’ve installed a massive vape vending machine. :joy:


I’m having a little inpatient stay. Hoping to be discharged backend of this week

A ‘backend discharge’ sounds messy … :wink:

…maybe go for the ‘prune’ vending machine!


Considering how bad and nutritionally poor hospital food is, people need the chocolate to survive.

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Happens to the best of us