You know what really makes me laugh?

Fixed that for you.

(Both parents come from there and we traced the family tree there for several generations so I think I’m allowed to say that. :joy:)

Is that the same lot bankrolling those insane end of life cases for terminally Ill children in the Court of Protection?

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You aren’t wrong.

At the same time it’s just a stupid thing to do. From a marketing standpoint it’s not going to make Atheists or non-Christians more likely to buy an Easter Egg in any way shape or form, all it does is hand the religious nut jobs a stick to beat you with.

You can say any publicity is good publicity but in this case it’s almost certainly going to cost more sales than it generates.

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The one and the same. With some dubious qualifications for a number of their “lawyers” in the Christian Legal Centre which they’re affiliated with. I’ve got such strong feelings about them that they’re on my list of automatic recusal from dealing with any cases they’re involved in so they can’t argue bias on appeal


They are, I agree, complete idiots. Reading the judicial reviews of the Guard and Battersby cases, the outcome in both cases was obvious. The judges in both cases were at pains to set out the reasons for their judgements. They are parasites (external interferes) on parents righteous want for everything to be done for their child, but sometimes they lose sight of what is best for the child. In the Battersby case, that child was a rotting husk in the bed and due to the intimidating factors, staff were at the end very reluctant to be involved with his care.

In the Evans case in Liverpool, these religious fools had even arranged for an air ambulance to transfer the child to Europe arriving from Germany, I know that the UK companies would not have touched the case. I suspect the German company would not have had the full details until they arrived at the hospital.

Happy bank holiday!

Mother of christ…
What is it.

I wAnT iiiit.

I saw these on social media…

I can’t even decide where i’d start

At the top and work your way through the lot! :laughing:

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Some of my neighbours are alright…

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Seems legit

Starlink have carried out their April Fool’s prank - placing the home image “on Mars” - and social media is full of people confused by it.

Just seen this on SM:

48 creme egss for less than £12 :grimacing: :sweat_smile:

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I had to explain what these were to my american team and how much i dislike them.

Bought a couple of 5 packs to take over on my next trip

Will American customs let you take them in?

We all know they get funny about chocolate eggs being dangerous to kids…

Wait and see

I’ve also been quite amused by Cadbury’s latest marketing for the creme eggs. They’re giving away money if you find an egg that is half milk chocolate and half white chocolate. All this has led to is people peeling all the foil off in the shops! :rofl:

Would prefer crème eggs to be dark chocolate.

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Paging Mr Corbin, please report to the TSA special screening area

They made this mistake before too