You know what really makes me laugh?

Well, it is around the UK in a sense.

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It’s safe to say my sense of humour is broken. “temporarily closed” made me giggle…

Yeh conspiracy nuts are out in force, the only person they haven’t blamed is the Princess of Wales.

It amazes me how quickly these nut jobs start shouting when ever anything happens. Alex Jones very quickly claiming it’s was clearly a cyber attack and WW3 has started. Like, how does anyone take him seriously?!

So turns out dinner tonight was frowned upon



However, I’m saving my kids from childhood obesity…by eating their chocolate.

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I’ve never eaten a whole Easter egg in one go.

Parts of an Easter egg that add up to a whole one, sure multiple times over. But a whole one won’t fit in my mouth. I tried.

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I definintely don’t eat them in one go. Not when you can break it in half and fill the two sides with salted caramel cheesecake. That’s acceptable, right??? And it’s two sittings.


Never had a egg cheesecake

You’re welcome…



Do you deliver?

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I think I might be stopping keto soon…

interesting that it is a Dr Kelso who posted it…can’t not think of

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What has 2 thumbs and doesn’t give a crap?


I found and read my Masters dissertation. My god, I have no idea how I passed that course, or how I made it this far in my profession if that was the best I could do 9 years ago.

Really, Tim, you’re not offended and that’s why you’ve headed up a campaign in the national press; to show how not offended you are…?

Christian Concern have done more to damage the Christian public image than anyone else. They take pointless discrimination cases through the a Tribunals that help to undermine the genuine cases. (Incidentally, linking to my earlier post about my Masters dissertation, the chapter I wrote critiquing their approach to discrimination cases was probably the best chapter)

It’s all quite amusing to me anyhow. Whilst my knowledge of the Bible isn’t exactly the strongest, I’m not sure any of the stories tell the tale of Jesus emerging from the cave juggling several chocolate eggs.

Plus Spalding has a high number of people for whom English is their second language. I genuinely wouldn’t be shocked if the original signs came from someone who speaks a different mother tongue mishearing the word “Easter” verbally and writing down what they though they heard instead. With certain accents, the words aren’t that dissimilar.

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