You know what really makes me laugh?

Seems like the perfect time to ditch the ATC cap badge and use the RAF one. At least it fits the beret.

Are these the ones that don’t fit the holes in the beret?

Mostly but also those that have been manufactured upside down. :upside_down_face:

What!? Upside down, haven’t seen those one then

Yeah they’re kept separate when they found, which is why you don’t see them much anymore.

If you ask your OC where to find your squadron’s supply of long weights, the upsidedown cap badges are normally stored next to them ready for return/replacement.

Went and saw some lions today…they were “cuddling”. The panicing parent beside me when their child was asking what the lions were doing was hillarious

I hope you educated them like the zookeeper educated Homer

Didnt help i shouted at my GF that they were…replace the word cuddling so the child learnt aome new vocab.


14 posts were split to a new topic: Accomodation for the Regulars Etc

Clearing out the loft and found this. Now I need to locate a CD drive to see if it still works. I used to spend hours playing this.

Also this. Wonder if they’ve changed since c.2004

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I definitely played a lot of CFS!


Nothing since has quite matched up

Amen :bowdown:

laughs in Digital Combat Simulator

To be honest, i cut my combat sim teeth on my Amiga, with F18 Interceptor and Dogfight!


Still never had a go on DCS

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3 year old has learned some new phrases from a friend at nursery.
“What the dot dot dot”
“For fruits sake”
" Cluck a duck"

Maybe the RAF isn’t in as bad a state as it could be…

New Zealand’s defence policy is “get behind the Aussies” and has been ever since they signed a mutual defence treaty.

While Australian defence policy is to have civil wars with wildlife and lose.