You know what really makes me laugh?

Someone reminded me of this fantastic video, lampooning all the depressing charity adverts out there on the “you must be desperate for something to watch” channels (even as a charity worker, I despise those sorts of ads)

that is very good!

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The wife has changed one of our grey shaded walls to a slightly different colour grey…

This whole thing reminded of Red Dwarf…

We’ve now crossed the line from funny. On Wednesday the toddler broke out in chicken pox, so we had to go to my parents over the weekend to have access to hot water.
Come home to a cold house and now I’m sick as well, which is super fun with no boiler.

The latest Logs Bulletin (Beret Badges)! Yes someone has acknowledged there’s a problem, there’s a fix on the way but might take a while, in the meantime return any faulty items through the supply chain.

So until July are cadets going to be able to wear a beret without a badge? I’m being deliberately facetious, but if all new cadets uniforms arrive with the current badge & I return them, what do the cadets do….?

If it wasn’t so ridiculous it’d be a problem, still made me laugh out loud when I read it, causing several nearby to worry about a workplace morale outbreak.

Bush hats!

I’m sure we could source some temporary chip hats…

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Morale at work, can’t be having that, how very dare you, go directly to human remains for reprogramming.

I am a HR trainer though! Sorry People Performance Practictioner Coach, or is it Individual Interface Advisor this week?

Either way I have submitted a request for the Office for Professional Standards to conduct a systematic review and investigate the failures that led to my momentary lapse.

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Specialist reprogramming required ‘ I must not have morale, morale is being dangerously happy’. Now write that out 100 times and submit it to your human remains head, then report to the operating theatre to have that dangerous morale removed.

So, that nuclear deterrent that’ll keep the pesky Ruskis at bay…

Both the Defence Secretary Grant Shapps and the head of the Navy were on board HMS Vanguard when it fired the unarmed test missile in January.


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Made somebody else laugh too…

Is this down to an individual missile or a fault in the fleet at Kings Bay.

Nah it’s all just Sun Tzu: appear weak when you are strong and all that.

Right? It must be that, right?

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I doubt they will ever give details of why/what failed.

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The Art of War is a very interesting book to read.

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It’s that time of year again!


Apparently this channel was just made for the laughs, but Self Help Singh actually provides some pretty solid advice. Language warning.

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