You know what really makes me laugh?

Ever catch yourself Googling minute details to win an argument?

I have just been looking at how much it costs to have your car washed in New Mexico so that I could win an argument about money laundering in Breaking Bad :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Dont forget to account for inflation over the last 10 years! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::+1::joy:

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If you know you know.


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I love some of the job adverts on LinkedIn, especially where the ad clearly hasn’t been proof read.

Contract - Outside IR35
Hourly rate: £22k

I won’t lie, I’m tempted to do it for a day.

haha definitely worth it for a days pay!

my employer has one out at the moment for one of our directors at work who mysteriously and suddenly left at 2pm one Monday afternoon after being in two meetings that morning, one of which with some of my team with no hint he was going.

anyway the advert indicates
Salary £100-110k with 20% bonus
Candidate with be: “…The ideal candidate will strong experience…”

we’ve all questioned why/how management/HR are able to suggest a 20% bonus when we all know it is variable (typically 15-18%) and only once been at 20% on an exceptionally good year in my time

the typo also doesn’t bode well given the high calibre candidate they are recruiting for - we want someone worthy of £100k even though we can’t get the basics right!

making me laugh today property management company.

little miss crazy has moved into a new apartment and I had to go and collect her residents permit for the car park.

rep: “Heres the pass, your daughters allocated parking space is X”

me: “But shes going to be in apartment Y which has its parking space just outside the door, how come your allocating parking space X”

rep: “for security, so if someone sees the car in a parking space and wants to steal it they wont know which apartment to try and break into to get the keys”

me: “2 things, first what if you allocate Y to a more fancy car are you not putting my daughter at risk? and secondly why have you written the apartment number on the pass? surely anyone can just look at the pass and know where to go regardless of where its parked!” :man_facepalming:

rep: dumb look

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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So, WhatDoTheyKnow apparently no longer has a working email address for us…

So you now can’t make an FOI via that website.

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I wonder what the Information Commissioner would make of that. I can enter the site.

Just send them directly to the MOD or the RAF

Yeah, it’s just funny that for this to happen, I assume someone within the MOD/RAFAC has just to ask them to remove whatever email address was being used before.

Someone should ask why on VoV

It looks like it no longer has a working email address for the “ air cadet organisation” so any request sent in, the MoD could say “sorry we don’t have an organisation with that name to respond to the request”

Semantics but it does mean the website needs to update itself a bit as well.


Get Bryan Basiljet on it.

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I was here yesterday. And this pops up on socials today…

We all know you were responsible for the bottom red point…

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Probably because it hasn’t been the ACO for years…

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I joined a co-working space to force myself to be more sociable whilst working remotely.

I’m the only person here…

I dropped into our office today too. It had a similar echoey vibe.