You know what really makes me laugh?


I can afford a house where I live, but the number I can afford is rapidly shrinking and the quality deteriorating.

However, I can only afford it because I have a job that’s technically based 100 miles away in a big city and pays a salary relevant for that location. If I had a more local job, or lived locally to my job, house ownership would be out of reach.

Like you, I also earn a few thousand over the overall national median. Even on a regional level, it’s only London where the median income is higher than what I’m currently earning. It’s ridiculous that we’re in this position.

Anyhow, back to the topic…

Noooooo. Man the barricades

Are the colonials across the pond acting up again?

Add in an increase in the population of more than a few million, finite supply, vastly expanded demand, therefore prices rise.

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And by the time you want to move children are settled in schools and areas where there are good schools attract a price premium.


My week so far:

Went on holiday last week, master plan: have the bathroom ripped out and replaced while we’re away.
That plan had gone awry before we left on Monday morning. The plumber arrived and was starting to strip out the existing equipment, and it was a LOT damper than we feared. So straight away, the plumbers lost two days to waiting for the dehumidifiers.
We come back, no bath, shower, upstairs toilet or sink. Cue flannel washing in the downstairs basin.
Then, yesterday morning, the boiler died. Flat out died.
So now we’re thriving with a single electric heater and a kettle…
Then, this morning, the wife’s car won’t start and I realise I must have left my jump cables under the tire in the car we changed in for it.
And yes, all of that is funny.

they say things come in threes so hopefully thats the end of the bad run…

…unless you’ve done something really horrible and karma is out to get you

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Here’s hoping!

Well the chair of one of the big unions mainained his council house, despite being on a 6 figure salary from the union.

Do you feel like you should just go back on holiday?

There was hot running water there, so yeah.
Although, the cost of a week in center parcs tripled from last to this. So, it’s probably cheaper to buy a new boiler!

It’s getting worse. DON’T PANIC MR MAINWARING!


I don’t know if it’s GMG or MML but the sheer idiotic reporting of the BBC stating we’re in a recession.
Yes we are but they’re painting it as a bit doom and gloom (without pointing out that when you have a central bank favouring inflation control vs growth then yes the economy will shrink)


When I watched this morning, they very much did cover the nuance; it’s the reasoning/excuse from the chancellor’s statement.

Although the news is rubbish, that photo is MML. If HSE saw that at my work place I’d be in trouble! Gloves next to a thing that spins? Big no-no! Also exposed flywheel with holes in the background. That should have a cage round it…

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H&S Nerd

we hail from the same industry I suspect!


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Remember my lab H&S chap saying that really all the non compliant people should be dead and only H&S people left to procreate. Unfortunately they were the ones to use protection