You know what really makes me laugh?

Says more about the state of the economy.

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Indeed the wife and I earn similar amounts combined with a similar mortgage increase and our finances aren’t looking pretty!

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I’m sure if he stops getting a coffee each morning, eating avocado toast at lunch and cancelling Netflix he’ll have more than enough money in no time… /s


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The new IBN.

Says direction can be found in ACP 112, paras 68 to 79. Yet it only goes to para 58. It also mentions ACP 26 paras 42 to 44, yet doesn’t mention a chapter. So there are multiple paras 42 to 44. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Yeah not a shock.

The real difference between the political parties in this country, at the very highest level, is one will whisper sweet nothings while they screw you whereas the other one will just screw you with no lubrication and intent to wound.

Same - I peeked a reddit thread that was full of abuse, mainly around how much he earned vs how little they earned in comparison. Yet the reality is, these things are all relative.

The Mrs and I have been together a long time, since uni. We have lived on next to nothing comparatively but now that we earn more, we have a house, car and kids. Everything is more expensive, we have more we have to spend on and pay isn’t increasing with inflation. We actually feel worse off than we did in our late teens/early 20’s.

It has led to serious discussion about selling the house we worked so hard for, for something with a smaller mortgage and whether we can afford for me to continue supporting RAFAC in the way I currently do as it takes forever to get mileage back, if it comes at all.

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What version are you looking at ACP 112 uploaded 45 mins ago.

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Ah, well my post was an hour ago :wink: Looks like ACP 112 just took a while to update after the IBN was uploaded!

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Yeah, that’s the problem. If people with “decent” salaries can’t meet their outgoings, where does that leave everyone else? I earn good money, but my mortgage more than doubled in less than a year. That’s a lot of money to find out of nowhere.

But at least I can work harder to increase my income. MPs on fixed salaries can’t do that, and the entire point of an MP’s salary is that anyone can be an MP, if you make the job unaffordable to anyone without private means, we may as well go back to having the Lords be the primary house, because the effect will be the same.


We should have half as many MPs but pay them twice as much. Same for local councillors, have them deal with stuff in their swimlane. MPs shouldn’t be dealing with potholes and councillors shouldn’t have a foreign policy


MP’s can, Ministers can’t, thats why he quit being a minister so he could take on consultancy and the likes, just have to get it past the anti corruption panel thats all.

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Well, those MPs who think that’s acceptable mostly come from one side of the house don’t they?


Do they, the majority have a side job and for some it is mandatory to have practice hours to maintain professional registration.

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No, the majority don’t have second jobs. I could provide evidence, but I CBA.

Could you not please just for once try and fact check one of your statements before you blithely repeat some half truth?


Oh dear oh dear. I’m not getting into an argument with the intellectually challenged.

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Sure, whatever gets you through the day buddy.

From a few years back, but it says over 200 (so not a majority) earned additional income on top of their MP salary. This ranged from £50 to over £1,000,000


I wouldn’t consider those who have declared a few hundred quid as ‘having a second job’ either, so the number is realistically lower.

The stunning thing there is the list of MPs doing ‘consultancy’ work. All bar two of which are Conservative.

£180,000 for 34.5 days’ work
£144,000 for 62-84 hours’ work
£100,000 to advise Hutchison Ports


Pretty mad.