You know what really makes me laugh?

I found myself astounded that they would have the time, you would have thought being in government & having a constituency to look after would take all the hours in a day

I have a very demanding day job, but still manage to squeeze in hours for the ATC.

A shame I can’t bill £100k for it!


But if they spent half the time we do as an extra with cadets on being a consultant, then there would be a few billable hours per week.

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If backbench MPs didn’t have the time for second jobs, how could we expect any of them to be ministers, lead parties, chair committees, etc?

Give them staff to support the constituency?

There’s no way a PM foreign sec etc has time.

I mean why would anyone want their MP to be speaker?

I’m meant to be writing the financials for a business case. I’m definitely not procrastinating or massively distracted today…


It’s certainly an odd system we have, without proper separation of powers between the legislature and executive.

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One of my colleagues that I need to speak with isn’t online. So I just thought I’d check her calendar to see when she might be free. Across the top, in bright red:


After it’s taken her half as long to travel across Birmingham as it takes me to travel the 100 miles home from Birmingham, I suppose she does have a point…

Oh look, yet another Brexit Bonus with a new look E111 that does far less than the old one used to do…

Do these do anything?

Apparently they’ll mean you’re treated as a local in EU countries.

The old one used to mean you were treated as a local across the whole EEA.

I think I’ll stick to my insurance if/when I end up in a pickle!

Check your terms; mine insists on having an EHIC or GHIC.


Just done a pretty thorough ctrl+F job and can’t find any mention of it!

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You were always treated as a local, had to pay upfront charges and it never covered the cost of repatriation. Canary Islands to the UK by air ambulance used to be a minion 25k a couple of years ago. Always always have insurance and declare every medical problem even down to having routine screening from the GP.

The salary range on this job

“I’ll let you talk me down to £159k”


Parked up on a Mil Base, and there are three Focus ST’s (all in Orange) all parked up next to each other, outside of the Living Accom.

SOUPs - single officer unnecessary purchases
And they’re not orange, they are “tangerine scream” My mate has the same one

Always called it ‘ASBO Orange’ myself :joy:

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I thought that was the previous POTUS?