You know what really makes me laugh?

Have discovered the sleep measurement is utterly crap.

Last night I was up with the youngest until 2:30 and then up every hour for about 15 minutes. The watch thinks I had a really good night.

Standard for all Garmins unfortunately, but it does seem to get better with time.

That said, I had a full night’s sleep, my HR was the lowest I’ve recorded in months and my HRV was precisely where it should be but, because I had to get up in the middle of the night, I’ve apparently had an awful sleep.

It’s still worth keeping the watch on overnight as it helps to feed other metrics, but certainly other brands work better for sleep tracking. Where Garmin comes into their own is on workout metrics, particularly for running (which is what the Forerunner series was specifically designed for).

This tickled me- know your cooking sticks

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He maxed out his account by grinding

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Watching this American perform a mag change was painful!

Seen cadets do it a lot better…

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I don’t have time to watch the full video, but why’s he using an A1?

I started to watch some of his stuff during lock down. Some of it is quite interesting (history of WW2 and older weapons, and he did a few pieces on urban combat. I don’t bother with a lot of the other stuff.

I guess he picked the A1 because he could get hold of it and to prove a point.

Those drills though, does he tap forward at all?

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Cough. “Forward Assist”… cough

The book says ‘tap forward on the cocking handle’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

you’re right it does say both (and only forward assist in the function test)

It’s not as clear as it could be (not a good thing considering) but yes you are right, the action is still titled Forward Assist but the description is ‘tap forward’.

So I suppose it would be ‘perform the Forward Assist’ which you do by ‘tapping forward’ (IIRC it was changing / changed to avoid confusion with the Function Test?).

Anyway topic drift off


No, and he doesn’t use the bolt release catch either. In fact, at one point he complains about it not having a bolt release catch where the bolt release catch actually is and keeps using the holding open device or pulling the cocking handle back instead.

The weapon was designed to be Army Proof… we just didn’t factor in American Army Proof…

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Watching Young Sheldon with daughter and she asks me “Do you ever watch this and see your younger self in it?”

The force of banter is strong with this one.


Did you give a whimsical sigh, and tell her to not sit in your chair…?

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Do you mean spot?

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@Baldrick right now


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Credit where credit is due…it was a god awful rifle

Just seen on Facebook