You know what really makes me laugh?

He fell over.

Shades of this one at Brize during defuelling.

Reportedly, the chief tech in charge repaired to the Sergeants mess for a couple of beers before the boss and snowdrops arrived to conduct him to the room with the stripy windows for the night.

Pretty much. Or, if the defendant has nothing to lose, so thinks, why not?

Well that and IOPC persecution’s where they don’t have the evidence but none has the guts to NFA it.



Don’t drive through flood water people, there might not even be a road underneath!

(Seen on Facebook!)

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Of course it’s a BMW :joy:


So true😂

Cheers Garmin, you’re not wrong. How did you know I was trying to get the kids to agree on what they were going to watch while I cooked dinner?

Yeah I turned those off. Along with the “move” reminders…

Also, I’m Garmin nerd. Is that a Forerunner 55?

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It is indeed. Still learning the features

No, Alexa, no. I can’t speak Nepali.

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But if you log onto BFBS from the UK, Gurka stuff is all you get.

Now if you use a VPN, and log in using your RAFAC service number, that’s a whole different ball game :man_shrugging:

Where are you needing to login?

I can listen to BFBS UK via their website with no login details required, in addition to (eventually) getting it via Alexa.

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Free sport, films, etc with DLE and a VPN.

I thought there was a compulsory stand down until Monday? :joy:

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Well I know my Wing certainly doesn’t have anything planned at all until Monday night.

Good example of left hand talking to the right hand…

Yeah, we were told to reopen from the 8th onwards.

This is just a sneaky way to get squadrons to dob themselves in. A bit like the DJ in the nightclub on GCSE results night asking for everyone celebrating their results to shout. The bouncers then descended en masse. My friends and I were not silly enough to fall for that.

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Old but gold