You know what really makes me laugh?

10x that is insane!!

I’ve got 4x plus 2 life covers but hoping to amalgamate those early this year.

Finish companies have good financial benefits as a rule of thumb


Unless you have a kayak and a ticket to Panama…

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MML, multiple of my guys thinking its a Bank Holiday today so have just not showed up… They all got a rather abrupt awakening when my boss and I phoned them!

Three of them were out last night so have had to use a day’s AL :laughing:

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get into the office this morning - no network.

most people are complaining about the lack of coffee machine though and having to make do with instant coffee instead!

I’d down tools at once!

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MML. Went to work today.

Discovered I’m on leave today - and tomorrow. I just forgot to put it in my diary.

Boss has sent me home but is crediting me a half day back for “showing effort above and beyond”. Double win.


most went to the tea option instead!

Got up, looked outside, told my students not to bother, went back to bed

I’d be the same. I don’t do instant ‘coffee’.

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I didn’t realise this was the “Overheard in Waitrose” thread.

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Managed to settle both my morning hearings in the advocates room. Now to go see what’s on at the cinema before my afternoon hearing.

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You Git. My trial is standing up, despite all my efforts to undermine it.


So, what % of lawyering is trying to avoid lawyering?

The more I learn or hear the higher my own estimate goes.


The less you have to do, the better for your client. Always good to reach a settlement out of court and avoid rolling the dice with a judge.


Guaranteed it’s a lower percentage than the amount of project management that is avoiding project management…

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9 posts were merged into an existing topic: What are you listening to…?

Most of it to be honest.

Harvey Spektor always spoke of trials as a failure. The only cases that should really be going to trial are the truly balanced cases. I like this idea and try to avoid trials wherever possible.

Failed today though…


Trials only happen when either the Defendant or the CPS are being ridiculous in my experience. People who are stone bonkers going not-guilty or the CPS charging people with the wrong offence, when they would get a plea to an alternative charge with similar sentencing guidelines.

Some call the CPS as ‘Couldn’t prosecute Satan’.