You know what really makes me laugh?

Drain them quickly, like a good capitalist vampire.

You’re meant to crush them and leave them destitute and out. No free money from the banker.

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It’s just not a good game. It’s almost entirely based on luck, there’s very little skill, and once you fall behind, there’s little you can do to change your situation. It’s one of the worst board games around and it has a stranglehold on the nation’s psyche.


That’s because its origins are anti-capitalist. Everything you’ve described is the system working exactly as intended!

Problem is the message was lost, much like the media managed to sway the thoughts of the population in the favour of the same system and status quo in reality.


That’s the point


If only there was some message we could extract from this about intergenerational wealth and the outcomes for people both with and without it.


I don’t want a valuable lime lesson!

I just want a game that doesn’t suck!


I like Cluedo but no one else in the family does

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Now Cluedo is a game! Skill, strategy and a little bit of luck.

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One of my friends has got me into (another) tabletop game called Hero Quest :nerd_face: this is after already spending far too much on Star Wars X-Wing tabletop game figures

As a mother with a certain profile pic, I just want you to know that I approve this message.


2024 started with an argument because i put the washing machine on😂

Like Wii Bowling?

Oh god.

Yes, its an old wives tale…

…mine is still in bed, and I’m about to start the second load… oops.

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Yeah…apparently if someone dies this year its my fault, kindly reminded her im goingto a place that has open carry laws

Completely unrelated topic… How much is your life insurance worth?

She will get 7 figures…with work death in service etc etc

Thats all skill.

I never had any.

Can’t profit from your own crimes unfortunately! There’s a case of a woman trying to claim on her husband’s life policy after she murdered him, predictably the insurance didn’t pay out.

Rule number 1 of life; don’t get caught!

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I do keep asking why my coffee has a slight blue tint to it…

Im just really lucky work have a 10x annual salary death in service and then my life insurance policy tops it up, and i massivley over pay into my pension