You know what really makes me laugh?

If i was to do it, id get the original engraved… but I’m not that fussed.

My CFM is encraved… with VRT… :grin:

He keeps his originals in the boxes and wears official copies. He’s paranoid about losing the originals on a parade.

Must admit, I’ve copied his example on that point, but not the engraving.

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Ah, that’s fair.

Lots of the lads who parade on horse-back do exactly that, because the marshals never get to your gongs before the thieves do…

Still, wouldn’t spend good money engraving dupes.

Certainly wouldn’t spend good money engraving an official medal that isn’t supposed to be engraved…


Same here

I do the same.

But not engraving copies.

What’s the worst possible outcome from losing the originals as a result of wearing them? You end up splashing out for and wearing copies, which he’s doing anyway.

Sentimental value of not having the original. Important for some people, not so much for others.

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I would be like that


It’s a really good point actually.

And let’s be honest, means you get to wear your medals months, if not years ahead of your official issue :joy:

I wrote a Christmas card last night to my wife’s grandmother…

I’m picturing her face now as she tries to decipher my attempt at writing in Swedish.

I was 100% not ready for that responsibility…


Standard Friday night in Portsmouth

There speaks the voice of experience

Canoe club pool session tonight. (To practice rolling)
I took my smaller open canoe, which lives in the garden…I cleaned it on Sunday, I really did, but I was completely unprepared for just how many small creatures had made their hole under the gunwales.

I’ve been fishing tiny snails out of the pool all evening and putting them in my BA. There’s now a small colony on the windowsill outside the pool…

Can still roll a canoe mind, mostly.

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Went shopping in Tesco earlier and the local city’s MP was also about doing his.

His smile as he realised that I recognised him (we spoke outside Parliament 8 years ago for all of 10 seconds) made Gordon Brown’s smile look natural.

Anyone watching the euro draw?

A WO’s flask i saw today had 'flask of cadet tears" on it

Both dated and incredibly worrying!

Edit: I think you should challenge them on it. Have them explain why they think it’s funny. Then have them say it a second time, but slower…


Agreed, however didn’t catch his name and he was a face I didn’t recognise as I was at an event outside of my normal realms

Clearly a joke, from the long standing belief that warrant officers are scary. Nothing worrying about it in the slightest.

As for dated, there are a few current station warrant officers that are doing their best to uphold that tradition; cadets or not. Go have a chat, maybe we’ll see some regulars with a “CFAV tears” flask!