You know what really makes me laugh?

I’ll have to throw out most of my wardrobe to visit it seems. Any UAS/OTC/URNU cadets will struggle to get through the doors from recollection :joy:

It would be quiet in the bars around Camberley if they enforced that rule too.

It was standard mess dress when I was an O/Cdt. Tweed jacket and red trousers for special occasions. What’s next banning of pinky rings and if daddy owns more than 5% of Berkshire you can’t come in :joy:

To be fair it’s also standard for anyone in sales in tech. Hoodies for the developers and if you wear a tie you’re either in accounts, or the boss’ security detail.

I really hate it when students “straw man” themselves for the right wing.

Also, hubby literally could never visit.

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  1. Stood at Dover awaiting SWMBO to disembark as foot passenger off ferry back from not so secret HQ in Brussels, dressed in chinos, polo neck jumper and tweed blazer.

Group of soldiers disembark 1st in tracksuits carrying Bergens etc and come to me saying - ‘Hi Sir, you here with the transport?’
Sorry says I - I am here for someone else - but is it that obvious what I am?
‘Oh yes Sir, full Rupert rig’

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I relate to this… With my Montane trousers, jacket and arcteryx cap…

I started as the trousers were dead comfy, practical etc. The. The memes came out…

The missus likes to laugh as well…

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That’s not just a corporal thing; I can spot serving military in town a mile away by how they dress.

They all seem to have a civilian uniform. Although that uniform is slightly different for officers.

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In my old unit we literally had a code of dress known as ‘battery undress uniform’, which was a battery polo shirt, chinos, shoes (black for ORs, brown for OFs).

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You can spot them in my tescos.

Shorts and flipflops, whatever the weather…

I’m feeling attacked right now. I’m even in shorts at work if the hearing is being done online.

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So, one of my old students/friends is a well known radio presenter/DJ for a well known London based radio station.

This morning, instead of just texting him directly in response for one of their segments, i thought i’d text the “station number” ( i didnt’t want to be that guy that continuously annoys my friend when he’s working)

His producer only called me back today to try and get me on air… i chickened out… my heart was pounding too fast :joy:

Now then, now then.

This is the super high-tech equipment the Environment Agency are using to monitor for further slippage in the river bank, as an early alert to evacuate the village again if the bank looks like it’s going to collapse.

It has a camera pointed at it.


Looks pretty good to me! I assume one end in ‘solid’ ground, one end in the bank, then put it so they are next to each other and look for movement? Sort of like these! but bigger.

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If it works it works! Remember the bomb sight for the Dambusters, just a simple pieces of wood, but it worked.

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I thought I had a tough one lined up for tomorrow but Someone is in for a really bad day at work tomorrow

I assume its this one?

It’s alright the Marine who lost it is probably still in Colchester