You know what really makes me laugh?

Watching my saved items on Amazon go up in price today ready for the Prime “deals” tomorrow.

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“The late 1900s…”

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That will be the Victorian steam powered VCR then

Was Titanic too long for a 180-minute VHS cassette?

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I know how you feel…

It’s the adjusting of the stable belts that annoys me. I think I need to invest in a second one.

Its when the large one is at its limit… i need to accept defeat… and re-org to an XL

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What’s a VHS cassette :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The way we consume audio and video media really has changed, hasn’t it?

VHS had plastic hardback book-sized cassettes containing reel-to-reel tape.

240-minute cassettes – with thinner, lower quality tape – was available for home recording but pre-recorded content tended to be on the thicker, better quality 180-minute tape. These times could be doubled by slowing the spools down (known as Long Play: LP) but, again, pre-recorded cassettes tended to be recorded at standard speed (SP) for quality reasons.

The quality still looked bad compared with Blu-Ray or HD / 4K streaming (or whatever people do now), especially on pre-watched tapes rented from the likes of Blockbuster.


Thanks for the advert, Facebook, I’ll give it some thought…

So what have you been searching to get this advert?

Come in Number 6, come in Number 6.

Maybe only those of a certain age will get this.

Booking have been playing a game with their adverts recently.

A lot of places that look like prison camps, a Nazi-built holiday complex, and various other offbeat choices.

Didn’t someone manage to add the barge in Portland as a room that was available to book? :rofl:


“Does your child have any specific medical conditions […]?”

The fact you have a filled in 3822H with multiple boxes ticked makes me think that, is infact, a lie!

Having been to Doncaster I can understand how it could be mistaken for the Gaza Strip.


I was going to say, if Hamas ever turned up in Doncaster they’d leave thinking someone else must have got there first…

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(Disclaimer; Nothing has been cancelled. Yet…)

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So the way to prevent certain things from happening to certain people is to prevent them dressing a certain way?

Interesting idea, not sure it’s gonna catch on for some reason…