You know what really makes me laugh?

I find that a little hard to swallow !


A rare appearance in court today as a lawyer. Instructed on two matters, both raising the same point of law, but each client wanted the opposite outcome. Both cases were before the same judge either side of lunch. Somehow I won both times. :joy:


The duality of man there.

Thems be facts.

This. I want one:


Ooohhh. I’ve got a lovely pair of Hunters that’ll go nicely with that!


Does it come with a pair of Red Setters?

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It was a mad idea from the very start, and now it is even more so.


Dont, just dont…

Well now he’s got to. As long as he bulls the toe cap on his Hunters it should all be fine

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I would buy one right now if I knew where to get one.
I’d prefer a hooded one though.

Well, a big deal is made about how greens are private purchase items and therefore some leeway should be given to CFAVs not quite meeting dress regs…

It’s a valid point


Looking at the world currently, i wonder if we can be saved…

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MMH (but a little GMG):

With my RBL hat on: When an organisation receives my invite, decline it, I react acknowledging their RSVP highlight my disappointment and then then reply with what they believe is an internal discussion but leave me in the “to” box thus able to see the conversation in full - which includes their real reason for declining and a request for someone to reply to be and word it “nicely”

frustratingly rather than say “no thank you” (their first reply) they could have been honest from the start and said “on the ground of sustainability and the plastic used in the wreaths, we have decided to declined from laying a wreath” or words to that effect - but they didn’t, instead entered into what they believed was a “internal conversation” suggested that my acknowledgement to their RSVP was “pithy” and perhaps more explanation is required.


Was this an organisation full of chaplains by any chance?

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no - just one reply all but they forgot to take me off the distribution before slating me

They could always not lay a plastic wreath, or do what many do and rob their own wreath back after 2 days and reuse it the following year!

unfortunately this is a “new” organisation to the event. We’re trying to better engage with the community as the wreaths laid has been the same 8 organisations for 20+ years yet there are ~15 different organisations in the community who have never got involved.