You know what really makes me laugh?

Is the GSM his brother’s as well?

I’ve seen senior police officers with multiple medals pinned onto their jackets on the single clasps they come with in the presentation box, rather than being mounted together. Based on this, and the above, I’m guessing the do’s and don’ts of medal wearing aren’t as well known in the constabulary?

Edit: I’ve just read that he’s ex-RN, so the above excuse might not apply.

I read earlier that he wasn’t aware that he shouldn’t wear family members’ medals on the same side of his chest as his own and now he’d been told the proper protocol he’d be correcting going forward.

Pretty much, lots of forces don’t even issue tunics anymore, so if you need one they rent it for you. It was a full time job in the run up to the Coronation making sure everyone I was going to be working with had things done properly.

Considering his age and length of service it’s conceivable that he didn’t have any or only the 1 when he was in. I read in one of the articles that he joined in 1984, even if he did a decade unless you went to NI or were on Op Granby you probably didn’t pick anything up. (Compared to the number of Jubilee and OSM’s that guys have earned these days).

On exercise tonight and tomorrow with the cadets. Got a book going on who will stay dry overnight


He’s a straight up guy, so if he says that I don’t have any reason to not believe him.


Pretty sure he’s been called out on bloating before, having claimed to have served in the Falklands on a website biography a few years back. If so, then he’s got no excuse now.

If that’s true then as you say he hasn’t got a leg to stand on. (It’s still not Gross Misconduct but he would be done politically and he is old enough to retire).

It’s a real shame as he’s one of the few Chief Constables with the guys to tell Politicians, the Press and the Public how things really are.

Everyone dry except the Sqn Ldr who stayed in the hut rather than under a basha. Pipe burst in the ceiling over his bed. :joy:
The house definitely won on that bet.

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The motorist said he was teaching the driver to deal with the ruff conditions of the roads.

Hope you hid the saw carefully

Getting rid of the flop today…

Interview with OC Eng this week so can’t exactly be cutting around with the birds nest I’ve got.

Half tempted to just shave it. But the missus doesn’t like the idea of that.

Cheeky promotion?

Or hats on no coffee interview

Nah. Nothing that fancy.
I’ve done the training for AAS instruct and because of the level of risk involved in instructing people around countermeasures I need to have an interview with the Wg Cdr to prove competency for his assurance.

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I did nothing of the sort. Though I do have one of your cadets just joined us. I’ll email you through Bader mail to discuss if we make him supernumerary or set up a separate account (and to ask your consent)

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I’ve even polished my shoes.

What’s wrong with me…

Its called managing your managers. managers. Manager

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JRM at Cosford. one of the choice for Sunday lunch, Pizza and chips.


Solid choice

Went to Longleat today

Saw baby lions being made, my immaturity found it hillarious.

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