You know what really makes me laugh?

Chipmunk still being flown by BBMF, therefore still in service.


If he’s attached to another unit rather than serving in an MI Bn, he’ll wear the other unit’s beret with his own capbadge. The AGC clerks attached to us used to wear the dark blue beret rather than the ‘writing green’ of their own corps.

Edit: They’ll also wear any extras, such as patches behind the capbadge, hackles, etc.

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Went out of AEF fully in 1996, so if I’d gotten my first flight sooner I would’ve made it :cry:

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Not making me laugh but making me happy…

First wing drill comp since covid!!


MML. Took a couple of antihistamines yesterday afternoon after a reacting badly to an insect bite. I’ve just woken up. I have no idea what happened in the last 14 hours.

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You mean this document? Originally leaked in 2010 :wink:

But it is hilarious how people online have the need to prove their point, and one-up people. They take this so far that they leak highly classified documents to prove their point :rofl:

Agreed that this is far from the worst leak that’s been on those forums, but quite how people aren’t getting the “don’t share classified secrets” line is beyond me.

Bet he’s not having the best of days.

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MML. Nothing like an imminent Ofsted inspection to bring to the forefront of peoples minds the issues I’ve been banging on about for six years!!! If this goes the way I think it’s going, there will be repercussions. And heads will roll. And with six years of documented evidence highlighting the flaws, it won’t be mine!!!


Had a meeting with a customers board today (super tier 1 retailer.) Totally forgot i was wearing a misfits tshirt.

Having a convo about 90s hardcore punk with a CEO was surreal


I frisée his future in a room in Leavenworth with stripy shadows on the floor.

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I thought the death of the business suit had been exaggerated.


So I just watched Tombstone which I haven’t seen in ages, if came with a content warning on Disney+, is it due to the violence? Nope it’s because it depicts people smoking! :rofl:

Reading articles elsewhere it’s his dead brothers from the looks of things.

Stupid mistake for him to make, he’s probably the best Chief Constables in the country, absolutely adored by his staff.

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As long as he’s not been dishonest about it, he’s ok. But even a hint of that and he’s a gonner.

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Silly mistake to make. Unfortunately it may be enough for him to consider retirement