You know what really makes me laugh?

The first picture in this article is hilarious. How much cheese is 1 squadron eating that they need to have a dedicated recycling container for the packets?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Edited to add nothing against the initiative or the cadets/staff there. Just the situation made me lol.


Well, that answers an earlier question of mine asking what RAFAC’s USP is. Clearly the answer is cheese.

Always reminds of Cyprus does Cheese……

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it isn’t a good mess dinner without a cheese course :yum:

Make sure you pay the cheese tax !

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More vitally, who’s buying Cathedral City in this economy?


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One of the comments on the original post…

“If those three form a landing party and beam down to an uncharted planet, Worshipful Brother Gmail is the one that’s not coming back.”

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Infiltrated a flat earth and Australia doesn’t exist Facebook group. Managed 2 hours before being banned for posting Illuminati propaganda (also known as links to scientific articles and the NASA site).


I do love seeing the videos of Flat Earthers putting in loads of Money and just still proving the Earth is round


“A 15 degree per hour drift” - thanks Bob :slight_smile:

I sooooo want to do this.

The David Icke forums are great for a laugh as well.

It does, I have been there.

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You lie. You’re part of the conspiracy.

One for current affairs:

Well this proves, it I was wrong, it must have been a dream, I am apart of the conspiracy.
How many of you in here know that Australia doesn’t exist?

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Been casually watching this guy for a while. First time he’s let the UK fire back at American for al those jokes and it hits. Thank you for the share

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Next they’ll be saying that birds are real!


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Ladies & Gents; it’s happened again!:joy:

Who would have thought nerdy gamers would be such a security risk?