You know what really makes me laugh?

Is there a blank 1:25000 square anywhere.

Go internet monkeys, go, fly and find this square of devoidness.

I shouldn’t think that there is; anywhere flat enough to not have contour lines will have to have drains running through there.

When the Ousefleet blank square hit the news around 10-15 years ago, OS confirmed then that the only blank grid squares on 1:25k are blue, brown or sand coloured.

? Eh?

Having a thick moment.
Whats brown?

Other than contour lines.

Contour lines are orange - brown is mud, typically mud flats.

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10 points to Gryffindor…


Just had a quick Google for Ousefleet Blank Square as I don’t remember the headline at the time…

Try it being more than 20 years ago! October 2001!BBC News | ENGLAND | One pylon marks the spot

I feel so old right now.

The quest to find Britain’s most boring place was set by a listener to John Peel’s “Home Truths” show on BBC Radio 4.


I’m the squadron’s DofE officer. If I didn’t know what it was I’d consider that a serious concern!

Scrolling through BBC News without paying much attention, I thought Top Gear was returning for a moment…


What. An. Episode. They have to buy a used military vehicle for less the £5k and drive it from Romania to Kiev without being blown up by a drone.

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And on that bombshell …


This is the most Florida Man story I’ve seen in a long time.


He ran 70miles in that death trap!!! Fair play Sir!!!



Micheal O’Leary being hit with a cream pie.

Now I don’t condone assault or climate change protestors for that matter, but he took it well (emulating Clarkson years ago) and considering what he charges for a pot of Pringles it’s probably justified.


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I did the first school drop off of term today.

Eldest in Yr1.

All the new reception arriving…looking at my daughter thinking… “she was never that small…was she?”

They grow up quick… enjoy every minute.