You know what really makes me laugh?

Think I’ve discovered a way to fund us for the future without needing RAF oversight or public funds

Did you tell him that there’s probably 40,000 people across the country wearing this badge on a regular basis?

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This makes me happy.


Dont work, dont get paid, simples


I remember when BA took away their cheap flights :rofl:


But remember the old air traveller saying Fly ABBA, anybody but BA.

Just watched the latest Dude Perfect. They’ve just bought shares in Burnley, so popped over the pond to see a match and meet some locals. The bits which had me roaring with laughter was that they felt the need to add subtitles to all the English people they interviewed - because they were soooo Burnley!!!

I’m currently sat in a virtual Programme Board meeting, and the chair’s cat has now interrupted her 3 times.

How the world has changed since Covid…

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So the car as a superior being is now chairing the meeting?

They certainly were the TfL of the sky for a time, you never knew when they would be on strike.

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Wandered down a You Tube hole while leaving work an hour early due to the rail strike and ended up on Monty Python, probably one of the greatest comedy scenes of all time.


Please let this become the cadets’ Autumn Camp anthem!

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Well, now we must find it

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I want to see the 1:25,000 version

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I’ve been there. It’s a few plain fields with a couple of small drainage ditches either side.

Or, you know, live in the 21st century…


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Well, that’s nowhere near as dull.


My point exactly lol

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