You know what really makes me laugh?

Drove passed the cinema tonight and saw two distinct groups of people for which there is very little overlap.

In one circle, lots of people of people wearing pink and sparkle and glitter and stuff. I presume they have tickets for Barbie.

In the other circle - or more specifically, queueing in straight lines with very little interaction between each other - were some serious looking people. I’m going out on a limb: they were going to watch Oppenheimer.

Definitely a case of two tribes rather than a Venn Diagram!

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My missus is off to see Barbie later.

Friend of hers invited her along, baffles me that she’s going though. She was a little goth when we met. And does still enjoy the heavy metal.

I think she’s more the Oppenheimer camp.

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But Ryan Gosling isn’t in Oppenheimer


But considering she’s married to me. So her taste in men isn’t exactly the best.

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Good point. Maybe she’s going for Margot?

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Considering the man-bun you are probably leaning towards the barbie camp.





chuck it on forces news why don’t we… safe secs and all that… hope the right people find it eh

MML: the amount of spam emails I’ve received has dropped by well over 95% since the drone attacks on Moscow.

I wonder where those emails were originating from… :thinking:

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Just you wait til Friday

Good luck working out who I am in a crowd of 13,000!

I’ll order a new T-shirt just for you


I wonder what the Flemmish is for “Lost the game” - I feel like the finishing tent could do with a few stickers.

Not that I’d be back early enough to make it work…

Stop being so 2010