You know what really makes me laugh?

Interesting that they didn’t use the “From Air Cadet to Air Chief Marshal” bit which I had seen earlier elsewhere.

My missus says she owes hers and her cousins looks to the Vikings.

Apparently they didn’t bring the ugly ones back.

“Baroness” (or not) Nadine Dorries

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Rugby football and American football and indeed Association football was the same game in the mid to late 1800s. Rules diverged over the years and they are now all completely different games.

MML. Despite his high quality DJing and mashup talents, JaguarSkills appears unable to clap in time to any of his mixes.

And now I’ve noticed, I can’t unsee it.

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There’s a little airfield very close to where I live, and every time there’s nice weather a gyrocopter gets up.

I completely understand the aircraft. I get the physics of it. I know how it works.

But every time I see it I can’t help but laugh at it, thinking that there’s no way it should fly.


This sentence also makes sense if you replace the word “gyrocopter” with “bumblebee”


Bumblebees are pretty and productive, helicopters are so ugly the earth repels them.

Natural selection in action…


Probably a pompey fan :joy:


The Emperor and his minion Crow from ARRSE have obviously had a day out in the sun leaving a flash of purple and a whiff of sulphur in the air


Top tier geekery there

MML: This question from the “Training Officer Role Analysis Survey”:

How long have you got… definitely more than one line :laughing:

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Is this like when you get a job and get to write your own ToRs?

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How many TOs are adding new cadets to SMS?

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Unfortunately, at least this one.

Of all the things to have as the example answer though…

Is this something that’s been sent directly to TOs?