You know what really makes me laugh?

What makes me laugh - not Christmas Cracker jokes…

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If they are just getting for doing an office job, do they deserve it … no. Do they deserve it in the armed forces for doing their day job and or getting promoted … no. What makes them more deserving than the millions like us who get up and do a day’s work?

As much as I’m no fan of the sports and music ones etc, at least they have been doing it for years from childhood and had to keep doing it, many of them while doing a day job as well.

No more Film **** on the BBC, for no other reason than being one less thing for Winkleman to be doing. She really is a talentless money pit.
I quite liked Barry Norman, as if he said a film wasn’t very good, you could lay money on the fact you’d like it.

She hasn’t presented it since 2016…?

She was on it the last time I watched it and assumed as for some reason known only to the almighty the BBC seem to like her, she was still on it.
Winkleman is in the same league as Zoe Ball, who will mean it’s R4 until 9.30 when Ken Bruce comes on R2. At least Evans is a broadcaster and not someone who has got a job because of the fame of a parent.

Making me laugh? I’ve clearly been reading the “Wing Chairs” thread too much as I’m now being bombarded with adverts for these…


Time for a cookie refresh?

Might have too! Dam you Google algorithms!!!

Although, if anybody is interested, DFS are offering 0% credit on theirs.


Well beware after these posts you might be bombarded with pictures of a man in red sitting eating cookies :wink:

I know just the role that I should purchase one for :slight_smile:

new profile picture for some on here? :wink:

the fact that none of you got the first post of 2019…


How about the news yesterday that some French Author (whom ive never heard of) reckons women over 50 are past it and he wouldnt touch them.Boy is he missing out big style.

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BBC link - Yann Moix story

I’ll second your comment.
Being French probably thinks he God’s gift.

The French hotels still rent rooms out between 17:00 and 19:00

Having seen a pic of him now Im surprised any woman even gives the guy a second glance.What a greasy oik.

I love it when the French get brassed off by their government as it’s no holds barred. Also gilet jaunne sounds more ‘exotic’ than yellow hi-vis waistcoat.

We might have a bit of walk through London and MPs getting shouted at, which the govt and police get over excited about… I bet if a similar thing was done to speed cameras in the UK, the tutu wearers would mumble about threatening the safety of children and how many thousands would die. Ignoring the fact that many people slow down and once past the camera, drive normally and no one dies.

I dunno our daughters have turned up with greasy oiks in tow. Me and the mrs look on in disbelief.
But again stupid women are easily duped, especially young ones. You’ll probably find the older women tell him to ‘do one’.

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I expect that a lot of people would say that it’s criminal damage and that the taxpayer would have to pay to replace them, and they’d be quite right to say so.