You know what really makes me laugh?

Managed to settle both my morning hearings in the advocates room. Now to go see what’s on at the cinema before my afternoon hearing.

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You Git. My trial is standing up, despite all my efforts to undermine it.


So, what % of lawyering is trying to avoid lawyering?

The more I learn or hear the higher my own estimate goes.


The less you have to do, the better for your client. Always good to reach a settlement out of court and avoid rolling the dice with a judge.


Guaranteed it’s a lower percentage than the amount of project management that is avoiding project management…

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9 posts were merged into an existing topic: What are you listening to…?

Most of it to be honest.

Harvey Spektor always spoke of trials as a failure. The only cases that should really be going to trial are the truly balanced cases. I like this idea and try to avoid trials wherever possible.

Failed today though…


Trials only happen when either the Defendant or the CPS are being ridiculous in my experience. People who are stone bonkers going not-guilty or the CPS charging people with the wrong offence, when they would get a plea to an alternative charge with similar sentencing guidelines.

Some call the CPS as ‘Couldn’t prosecute Satan’.

He fell over.

Shades of this one at Brize during defuelling.

Reportedly, the chief tech in charge repaired to the Sergeants mess for a couple of beers before the boss and snowdrops arrived to conduct him to the room with the stripy windows for the night.

Pretty much. Or, if the defendant has nothing to lose, so thinks, why not?

Well that and IOPC persecution’s where they don’t have the evidence but none has the guts to NFA it.



Don’t drive through flood water people, there might not even be a road underneath!

(Seen on Facebook!)

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Of course it’s a BMW :joy:


So true😂

Cheers Garmin, you’re not wrong. How did you know I was trying to get the kids to agree on what they were going to watch while I cooked dinner?

Yeah I turned those off. Along with the “move” reminders…

Also, I’m Garmin nerd. Is that a Forerunner 55?

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It is indeed. Still learning the features