You know what really makes me happy?

So … May I be the first to say Au Revoir to Mr. Trump :smiley: Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

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Place your bets on how long before the first warrant for his arrest is issued (valid or political tool)


The Republicans need to turn on him now big style, otherwise he will try to run in 2024 with all the damage it did to their party in 2016.

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Hes finished

Someone posed for fun a hypothetical question today about trump…

25 years time it’s found out he was telling the truth, there had been a mass voter fraud and cover up.

What do you think the fall out would be??

Nothing. Both Biden and Trump will be dead by then (or very nearly anyway).

I don’t know what the statute of limitations is on voter fraud.


The Americans haven’t had a totally clean Presidential Election since 1956, there are always accusations and it’s usually proven to some extent in 1 state or another although never enough to have needed the election to be overturned. (Possibly Kennedy in 1960 but that’s very arguable and always has been).

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Trump not being the most powerful man in the world anymore makes me happy :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Coherent speeches too, oh and Lady Gaga

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And that we made it through 4 year without him pressing the big red button. Or maybe he did… Bet secret service had just unplugged it just incase.


To be fair to the Donald he was probably more anti-war than most American Presidents in the last 20+ years.

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Didn’t rate that national anthem

In our place there was some discussion of all sorts of things the top contenders were civil war (if it hadn’t already happened), a CIA cover up by releasing who killed JFK…

We eventually reckoned that if it wasn’t on the equivalent of Instagram or Facebook then it will be framed fake news

It was a good waste of 20 odd minutes

I wonder if Biden will make the 4yrs let alone 8,. How can the yanks elect someone so old to president? It says a lot about the state of US politics and the system if the socialists best option is a 78 year old, do they not have anyone younger?

Would we ever have a PM that old or even as old as Donald Trump was in 2016?

Mind you grandad Biden’s been the nearly man for decades and I think the socialists thought it would be his best chance as he’s waiting in line. The cynic in me feels the yanks aren’t ready to vote a woman in as president, so having a female VP to an old man who’s ;likely to croak or become incapable will mean she takes over and becomes the first female president by default.

I was amazed that Donald Trump got elected as he’s not part of political machine, you could tell he wasn’t going to schmooze and promise jobs to the hanger’s on. He appealed to the people that matter., if he’d delivered on the steel industry and US industry in general he would have walked it. This shows how weak the right wing is, when they couldn’t find someone else to appeal this group. The biggest laugh is I think Trump will dominate the news in the US for sometime as the socialists do what ever they can to prosecute him for something.

I see you brought into the BS then.

I wonder if Biden will meet however briefly with Kim Jong un? Thought not.

If you think Biden is a Socialist you know absolutely nothing about American Politics, he’s well to the right of anyone the UK has had in the last 70 years.


I see you bought into the BS then. Or is it just that you’re so far to the right that you think Thatcher was a bit socialist?


Happy thoughts please.

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So when I listening to the radio and they were mentioning his liberal take and healthcare, public housing among others, he didn’t sound particularly right wing. Time will tell,

It may shock you to learn that the NHS is a socialist institution…