Fortunately it’s helped me see the kids more, but the brain is fried at the end of the day so the hope of engaging at the unit have been dashed a bit more.
Definitely. I’m a paper pusher, trying to get through in a world of meetings and spreadsheets.
But miss the jets, miss spannering.
Yes, i get more time with my kids, and far more flexible working hours… but i dont feel at the end of the day, like I’ve achieved anything.
I understand the achievement thing.
I had literally nothing on all of last week until Friday morning when I coordinated the return from th for a few of our lads.
It’s real swings and roundabouts, but absolutely not the “f- yeah, I just busted that snag and the cab will make the flypro” any more.
Yeah, that ones flown twice, fixed the engine snag on that one, and those two will make the deployment…
ATC Sunday… smallest Sqn in the sector by a fair margin but turned out the most cadets for church parade! Very proud