You know what really makes me happy?


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Do you have to get a new coat as an inspector?

You feeling Mac or something more Scandi Noir?

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@daws1159 circa 2023, colourised.


I’m thinking more the jacket & sweater combo like Inspector Harry Callaghan.


Do you get your own shack on a beach on a caribbean island? and does it come with a gecko?


Surely that’s de-colourised?

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The competition for that role is fierce. Every oddball detective in the Met is after that job.

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Um hm…

or Inspector Gadget :grimacing:

Well, they have had enough years having the summers in Portugal.

These all arrived today.

Not bad for about £45 (minus postage).


That is some OLD Brio

Yes indeed.
I had the same set on the top when I was a boy.

So talking nearly 30 years old.

I caught them about an hour too late, so they’re fainter than I’d like, but a big solar storm hit earlier today and the Northern Lights were back again.

Might be worth keeping an eye on for anyone with a clear view to the north.

You’ll just see the red auras over Ursa Major below.


The Greenhouse that came with the house finally went today.

This means I can now build a proper boat rack, so they don’t have to live leaning on the wall.
It also means the restoration of the wooden Gunwaled canoe can begin once it’s stored properly.

Won a crate of champagne at the church quiz night by winning the prize round: Bible or Star Wars.

Though I did win it mainly on my knowledge of Star Wars quotes rather than Bible passages :joy:. May need to get back to work on my divinity degree.


MMH / Terrifies me… Wisdom Tooth (x3) extraction tomorrow :grimacing:

Lots of paracetamol and brufen every four to six hours, plus lay in store lots of soup, beer is better. Prepare to look like a hamster for the nest week. Don’t worry about any bruising.

ETA, if they give you any form of codeine, ask them for a laxative as well, as it bungs you up better than compo.

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I hate the dentists, I would need sedating for that. Good luck!

I need sedation to even phone them and book and appointment.