You know what really makes me happy?

IIRC there’s still a ban on TikTok?


Yes there is although the region media competition is for cadets to come up with 5 tiktok style videos.

So the media team realise they can’t keep up, so make their job a competition!

I’ll have to use that one at work if I find myself out of my depth.

Although, if I found myself unable to do my job I imagine I’d be slung out before I could make a competition for others to do my work for me.

Edit to add: this is a criticism of HQAC, not our volunteer wing and regional MCO’s doing the job as a secondary post.

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Making me happy, a full weekend of activities, spread evenly amongst the staff, and I could see the massive smiles as they weren’t hidden behind masks.

A really good training weekend!


To be fair this has ALWAYS been the case with the media competition as part of region & wing field day.

Previous years were design a trailer display that can be used at events, a recruitment YouTube video & photo collage that can be used in Facebook adverts.

This year the adult comp is

“ to plan the squadron recruitment event with three clear objectives:
i. Raise the squadron’s profile within the local community
ii. Increase cadet numbers
iii. Make best use of Squadron Social Media channels”

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That’s not making me any less cynical :joy:

Out walking an Orienteering Course to check it’s serviceable ready to run an NNAS at the weekend.

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Is it viable? I did one at the weekend - there was debris and fallen trees and/or branches everywhere - even a couple of dead-fall branches precariously balanced near the checkpoints awaiting the next lyrca clad mug doing some cunning running (I wasn’t wearing lycra and was therefore immune to it’s powers!).

I can’t wait to get my LLA assessment sorted so I can try to get our kids doing some orienteering !

Where abouts are you? We’ve just had to bin an assessment due to lack of interest.

Yeah surprisingly, although one of the markers isn’t a bit more horizontal than usual :rofl:

MMH. Found a YouTube channel for Lego Robot Wars. Its a bit crappy, but at the same time, I’m kind of inspired.

Tiny robots with plastic claws
Size doesn’t matter on Lego robot wars.

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Dont know if im happy or sad about this. Got the nod from chief diary managers mums oncologist that im safe to rejoin the gym so treated myaelf to a PT at the same time.

Dear body… Im sorry


Bid for a place on a blues camp this summer


Yuck, blues camp :rofl:


Lol, agreed.

The issue was someone at 38 group realised they don’t classify as properly deactivated in accordance with the law.

They have working parts from an L98 A1 including Gas Plug so meet the requirements for Section 5.

There was a discussion about removing those parts but the point of the DP rifle would be lost.

L116 isn’t the same issue, we don’t officially have any of those and just borrow them so shouldn’t have them on our units.

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Given they disbanded in Dec 2020 can we claim so did their decisions :wink:


It also didn’t help that that a couple got stolen/lost. There’s a difference between deactivated & drill purpose - there isn’t a legal issue with them being section 5 it’s just the security requirements.

If you want to be technical, the exemption that allows cadets to use firearms precludes the use of section 5 for any other purpose other than target shooting.

However this does explain why cadets got the L98A1 as that was a section 1 and a way round the legislation.

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