You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Those are truly awful

There is a policy isnā€™t there?!

I know the policy is you donā€™t design it yourself you send the people who head this up some info and hist about your Sqnā€¦ A few hundred of your hard earned pounds and they send you the approved design

well kinda, there is a section in the brand guidelines about getting an ā€œofficialā€ badge, but I guess it depends if you class that as ā€œpolicyā€ or not.

but also we shouldnā€™t be displaying ā€œunofficialā€ badges.


100% confident the right hand one is just a Windows xp screen shot


Omg thatā€™s vomit worthyā€¦

Just means I already no longer use or care for that feature.

Itā€™s not his personal feed to us all.

GMGā€¦ the number of CP announcements from the same source.

It just means our cadets will glaze over before they even get to our announcements, especially if all of his(?) are marked priority when thereā€™s no need for them to be.

I was going to say the same thing - canā€™t find an exact match, but there are several versions.

This one is a little lighter/lower contrast, less shadow at the bottom, and an extra cloud on the lhs, butā€¦

Edit: Iā€™ve not taken the circle far enough left and down - thereā€™s a bit more of the hilltop and shadow to the bottom left that Iā€™ve missed. I think itā€™s an aspect ratio thing.

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perhaps donā€™t Name and Shame someone so publicly . . .

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Fair enough. Point stands.

Post deleted and subsequent one amended for anonymity.

Shouldnā€™t most these things just be sms activities? Why are they announcements?

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All set to ā€œPriorityā€ too. Were a couple duplicated?

@anon9987823 I was wondering that, but havenā€™t seen them first hand to judge.

I think so. I donā€™t know if that means they appear multiple times for the cadets though.

Iā€™ve just looked and Iā€™ve only got 1 ā€œHumanitarian Engineeringā€ announcment. weird.

Looking at new houses

Living on the south coast make buying anything reasonabley sized completely unviable unless you have over half a mil

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try living in London . . .

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True thatā€¦dont know how anyone does it

When I saw your post I immediately thought ā€œis it April fools alreadyā€

As others have said, the resemblance to the Windows XP wallpaper is clear

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Iā€™ve played more - the cloud I thought was missing is behind the tower.

Iā€™m not posting my latest creation, I actually feel a little bit sad that thatā€™s what they have. Someone must have said something - canā€™t help but wonder as well if thereā€™s technically a copyright infringement (whether MS would bother to claim it is a different matter).

Moving onā€¦

If I had the money (some, but not enough for here) I think Iā€™d be tempted to buy cheaper elsewhere (North) to let instead of buying for myself locally. Iā€™ve sometimes wondered how the financials would work out if investigated.

Loving in London is mental we went from a 2 bed flat Ā£2000 a month to a 4 bed house Ā£1800 on the outskirts still within M25 to a 4 bed in the countryside for Ā£800 a month. Itā€™s crazy outside the M25

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