You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Anyone else recently been completely screwed over by OneDrive? Suddenly, shared folders have become .url internet shortcuts instead of actual local folders, completely killing various local scripts and things I use at work. Apparently this is a known issue with no fix. You can’t re-add them. Actually fuming right now.

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Yep!!! It made my incredibly organised one drive into a mess

Part of Microsoft trying to drive people towards Teams & SharePoint instead?

Bought a new astro imaging camera for my scope, set it up to play with only to have the circuit board pop on my goto mount.

The smallest thing

The term dining in night being used in this organisation. The term dining-in is saved for a new OC the rest are sqn dinners but everyone uses the term “Dining In” for their annual dinners

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Email the whole organisation about it.

It’s far more important than cereal recalls.



Last year I realised that nobody actually understood why I was using the term “dining-in”.

I proceeded to dine-in every new squadron member and later, dine a couple out.

Minds were blown :rofl:

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Yes, at most formal dinners there are usually people being dined in and others being dined out, but I’ve also heard it said that it’s a dining in night when you’re in your own mess and dining out when at another venue (RAF Club, IBCC, RAF Museum, etc.)

According to Wikipedia (and the AI models that reference it) it’s dining-in if members only and dining-out if spouses and other guests are invited.

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This is my understanding or the original terms as when I was at school the boarding houses had dining in nights & dining out nights.

The dining in was when everyone came together and dined in at the school dining hall. Dining out was when everyone dined together but at an off site venue.

I think the origin is oxbridge colleges where fellows would dine in & dine out depending or what college refractory was being visited.


Dining in is Deliveroo.

Dining out is Greggs.


Done agree with the kitchen one - if it closes at 9, you should be OUT by then, not just sitting down to eat. The staff have homes to go to.

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Then they should have a “kitchen closes” time, we have places near work, open till 2100 including for takeaway, you can tell they are annoyed if you turn up at 2030 and order to go as it interfeees with their clean down in the kitchen.


Pubs manage separate opening hours and hours that they serve food, so it wouldn’t be difficult for restaurants to do the same.

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Is it not common sense? If a restaurant closes at 9 you would expect everyone to be out by 9, as it’s closed. So if you rock up at 8:45 how do you expect to order, them cook and you eat a meal?

No, if it says they’re open until 9 then I expect to be able to go in at 8.55 and order. I don’t expect to have to work out their closing down routine and how long before their closing time they will take orders for myself.


Can you eat a meal in 5mins? Can they cook a meal in 5mins? They Close at 9. Thus they aren’t open after 9 so you shouldn’t expect to be there at 9.

I’m quite sure many stores have staff working before and after the official customer opening/closing times.

If a shop advertised closing at 1800hrs and the shut the doors at 1730hrs, you’d rightly ask why they didn’t just communicate the 1730hrs time…

I also expect to be able to grab food in the mess up until the published end time / end of service time, even if staff start wiping tables down around me. I should then be given some time to eat the food before they try locking doors, even if the military has conditioned me to inhale it in 5 minutes.


You’re right - the shop advertises it closes at 1800. You can’t walk in at 17:59 and walk round for 30mins. Its closed. Just like the restaurant is closed. If you want to be pedantic, the restaurant should let you in at 8.55. Order, pay, then tell you you can collect the food at opening time the next day.

I disagree on the eat in stance, If the door says XX:YY - 21:00, they should be able to lock that front door at 2101

If you don’t have a specific “Final call” for takeout, you can’t complain if you’ve got orders to the last second

I had a bad habit of dramatically closing and locking some of the doors to my pub/restaurant at the advertised close time

Closed means closed, Not politely ask to gtfo my bar

We were only paid until the “expected” clean down time after close, normally not an issue, but if we have guests hanging around 5-10 mins because they’d bought a box of chips (disposable box btw), I get short changed

I’ll give that a shot :rofl: