An a building of Engineers, Chemists, Material scientists and technicians (with the obvious HR/finance/payroll desk best work) the option to not be in the office is not practical for the hands on work that take place.
everyone very much has a desk.
it is just so backward and old fashioned (which is in line with the company) - they complain that graduates don’t stick around, but it is because a 23 yr old is ready to work in the 2020s and is looking for a company that operates with a 2020s attitude not, as we are, operating with as if it is still 1980s…
I wonder how many of your staff were hired since Covid and told, implicitly or explicitly, that they could work from home. I’d argue they have a good case for constructive dismissal with the change to their terms.
My office is doing the same but with the even more fun idea to move to open plan. So people are going from small/individual offices to an open bullpen, despite the mountains of evidence that says it doesn’t work! It’s going to be a fun few months
Frustratingly there has never been a formal policy for WFH
But now head office (in the USA) have found and clamping down on the basis its a pnly us (the R&D site) that gets the benefit which isn’t fair so despite not being a pls t we’re being treated as if we were…but without any of their benefits
We don’t have a sad news thread, but I see that Gene Hackman and his wife have both passed away, he will always be one of my favourite actors, he made some amazing films.
(To clarify, the guidance says you need to tell them by 1600 that you’re coming, not that they need to forward it to X, Y, Z and recieve confirmation by 1600)
Nah disagree with that one. Closes at 9, kitchen needs time to cook, you need time to eat, unless they all go home at midnight then it shutting at 8.30 should give you enough time to eat and get out by closing time.
Totally agree with you, kitchens need time to clean down, store food correctly and fill all the required paperwork and the staff need to get home at a reasonable hour.
Yeah, this. The problem isn’t what they choose as the closing time, it’s lack of communication. If you want your staff out by X time, then give me a very specific kitchen closes time and a kick out time. Don’t make me guess when the kitchen shuts or guess how long I might have left to eat. Help me help you.