You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

On the plus side I planted 12 apple seeds on day one of lockdown. 11 germinated, I got rid of three when thinning the pots out and seven of the remaining eight have new growth so far this spring. One more year of growth and I’ll be putting a few in the community beds around here

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I’ll take the joke as intended…

… But both of my kids are already adopted. :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ah. I see my foot in mouth disease has returned.



I did that after getting fed up with the moss, reseeded and spent months nurturing the lawn afterwards, then the moss came back, now if it’s green, it’s fine.

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Gmg… We away tomorrow for the first time in aggggessss and despite giving her gentle reminders to start packing all week…shes only just started packing…when i want to go to bed.


Grinding My Gears today…

My WExO and Wing chair pushing to get a new member of my committee DBS and BPSSd. Except the committee member is still a CI, albeit one that cant commit to being a CI anymore.

I hear about things like this happening all the time, without the people tasked to sort it looking at the context of the situation. I wish people would use their common sense! Perhaps the MoD Civil Service don’t pay enough for that?

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If they are a CI transferring to registered Civ Com they can transfer direct. There was a question about it on ask VoV and one of mine has done it. Just need an internal transfer form.

So new driving laws have come in for mobile phone use bringing them upto date with technology, so far so good.

BBC run quite a good story on it with the headline “mobile loophole for gaming drivers closed” all well and good.

So what grinds my gears? The Tabloids who have run with the headline “new mobile phone rules mean you can face a fine of using a phone as a passenger” which is at least 2 lies for the price of 1!

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I saw this earlier but didn’t click and read as assumed it was a load of bull. I’m guessing they are taking the angle that if you are supervising a learner driver, you can’t use your phone?


Which is true, but you already can’t and supervising a learner driver isn’t being a passenger! Next they will be outraged that you can’t supervise a learner after 12 pints of Guinness!


Yeah. 11 is my limit


Invoice received for Professional Body membership. Costs have gone up. Return on investment has gone down. Wondering why I bother…

Oh yes. Because I can’t practice without it.



I feel you buddy.

Yeah, not looking forward to that part…

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The lovely Ukrainian lady who cleans the house getting the phone call to say that her godson and his family have been killed in Mariupol. I just can’t comprehend what the Ukrainian people are going through because of an utter nut job in the Kremlin. The sooner someone puts an ice pick in his brain the better.

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The problem is that could spawn another just like him.
One of our daughters saw something where someone said can we just cut to the bit where he shoots himself in his bunker.

Listening to people complain about Ultilearn when it’s online.

Listening to the same people complain more when it isn’t.


Its dog poop.
But its the only dog poop we have.

These things arent mutualy exclusive.

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