You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

I’ve ATC friends up and down the country, not just the Wing and I am yet to see anything amiss from all the photos I have seen photos

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The trainer on my course asks a lot of questions to check understanding, but it’s the same people answering (and speaking over each other) all the time.



My daughters school has adopted a brand new level of pain around this.

  • POUNCE - name child and invite them to stand up
  • POSE - Ask them the question
  • PAUSE - nope. scrap this element, don’t give them time to think; just demand the answer immediately or give them a warning for not listening. Teacher then tells the class what the answer was whilst writing the child’s name on the board.

It’s brutal.

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I think I found a picture of her headteacher…

That’s one of the times I’d be telling my kids to stand up to authority. I’d support them walking over and rubbing the names off the board.
Mind you, the teachers should be refusing to implement such a damaging system that does nothing to promote learning.
Though I’d also be in with the head myself and do everything in my power to embarrass them in front of the kids

You’d have thunk it. Sadly, it’s coming from increasingly popular “Michaela method” from Katharine Birbalsingh. The school sixth form has dropped from 220 students to 60 students in 12 months - as taking this method and applying it to 16-18 year olds clearly isn’t working!!!

Sadly, our local schools are so full we’re left with a stark choice of “putting up with it” or Elective Home Education…

Poor planning from the LA education and admissions team and their school capacity assessments!!!

I should also point out, the school are now seriously understaffed! The methodology is so misaligned with modern teaching practices, that they have a recruitment crisis on their hands. Additionally, our neighbouring schools have picked up some AMAZING staff who’ve left because of the methods being used and the massive impacts they are having on the kids.

That woman just needs to disappear. Everything I see from her is destructive and divisive


Agreed - if she could also take the new MATs which are adopting this methodology to “turn around schools” away with her, it’d be appreciated!


Back to hospital. Still not managed to keep any food down since Friday. Barely keeping water and medicine down. Annoyingly he’s been diagnosed with a relatively rare auto immune condition and it seems theres only one doctor in the hospital who knows anything about it.

To be fair, the nurses in the paediatric ward are clearly reading up on it, but it means everything moves slowly because they’re having to learn as they go. I completely understand why, but from a parent’s emotional perspective it’s frustrating

Thoughts with you. Sorry to hear that.


Well I hope Cressie doesn’t ever want a job that requires a DBS. :rage:

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With a name like ‘Cressie’ , mummy and daddy back in Surrey will happily employ them in the family business…


Michaela Community School (referred to as simply MCS or Michaela ) is an 11–18 mixed, free secondary school and sixth form in Wembley, Greater London, England. It was established in September 2014 with Katharine Birbalsingh as headmistress and Suella Braverman as the first chair of governors

I see they also have (had?) an empathetic chair of governors who has managed to avoid any controversy…

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Dear BBC Breakfast; it’s still November. Clear off rapidly with the Christmas rubbish, and tell Kathryn Jenkins to come back next month.


Dear work computer

You failed to sign into my account in the first place. How the everliving whatever does it then take you 50 million years to sign out of the account and shutdown?

I tried to sign in at 0845. The computer is still logging out and shutting down and I now look like I’ll miss my 0900.

And why the everliving whatever is it impossible to force shutdown the new Dells!?

Christmas music on the radio.

I’m no massive scrooge. But it’s still Novemeber… We have the radio on in the workshop all day, every day, and I really don’t want two whole months of Christmas songs! :grimacing::sweat_smile:


Too much negativity there. I bloody love Christmas.

But yeah, won’t decorate until December.

Preach. The only time I accept it in November is if advent starts in the last few days. Otherwise it’s pure bah humbug here


Advent Sunday is the earliest our decorations go up as well, but the Christmas movies have already started being watched.

We tend to use 1st December as the rule and if I’m working it will be the weekend after. However we are going to be early this year as I’m working the 1st and it’s Baby’s first Christmas so OC Home Command has ruled that we have to be early rather than late.

She is already watching the dross Channel 5 Christmas movie every day, makes me want to be at work.

It’s just this plot every day!