Yet another Question

As said, sometimes things get pushed back.

True or not, we’re all volunteers who have to choose how we allocate our time… Or sometimes we forget/neglect without malice.

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Self confidence, problem solving and thinking on your feet can’t be taught, they come with a non defined composition of time, experience, knowledge acquisition and exposure to situations. We all know how naïve we were when we started out in life and through these 4 factors probably feel more confident in dealing with what life chucks at us.

We do leadership and teach the proscribed process. Odd as it may seem I have worked with more people who have not had any exposure to anything we instil, than have and they don’t seem to have any problems being in charge of or leading groups through a task. The one problem with the proscribed method compared to real life is in real life people tend to be more on task and want to get it done. In the artificial things we do, there seems to be a competitive edge. I remember being on IOT and a couple of us telling people when it comes to the leadership tasks we’re all on the same side and we need to make sure we help each other and not jump in making people look silly. I do find it amusing that in all the ‘leadership’ tasks I’ve been involved in, in the workplace, I’ve never seen a timekeeper etc ‘appointed’, but then we don’t try and do it all in 10 or whatever minutes.

And the RAFAC does (or should) offer that, along with feedback and encouragement to help develop those. I’ve seen cadets join with none of those skills and gain then through our activities. Can non-RAFAC activities do that? Yes, but let’s not pretend that our stuff, properly taught, doesn’t help.

To a large extent you’re right, but not always. I’ve been involved in last minute late night sessions getting bids prepared, contracts negotiated etc. with strict, hard deadlines for completion. We always made sure that at least two people in the room were specifically tasked with keeping an eye on the time to keep us on track. Also, the artificial nature of it leadership tasks requires it, by all means run an activity for them which takes place over a 5 week period to emulate a project at work if you don’t want to have time keepers.

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