What are you watching?

As always by RTD - great build up, then the resolution is always far to convinient/easy and as such a bit of let down.

But still, back to what made NuWho great! Lookong forward to the next 2!

Edit: The new TARDIS looks incredible

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Finally got around to watching The Matrix: Resurrections last night.

Not as bad as critics made out and relatively enjoyable, but a little simplistic and with a few too many things left unexplained. Had the potential to be an amazing psychological piece.

Just rewatching the World at War episode on Yesterday about the Bomber Command/USAAF 8th Air Force offensive against Germany.

Featured true hero’s such as Hamish Mahaddie, Bill Reid and James Stewart, all bomber pilots.

It is obviously dated, as we have had far more released from records and memoirs since.

I binged all the light we cannot see on netflix over the last 2 days, would recommend

Just watched the first episode of the Brown GP documentary on Disney+, so much I had forgotten.

Anyone get the feeling Ferrari were slightly bitter? :rofl:

That was so good.

It was better than DTS as there was actually a story to tell

Commando: Britain’s ocean warriors - has come up on Netflix. Really enjoyed episode 1 which was all about training.

A few episodes in and seems pretty interesting without being OTT.

A few years old series but has cropped up and is a good watch.

Well Doctor Who creeped me out no end.

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I was a little disappointed after last week to be honest.

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I was to start with, some of the effects were lame. But as the episode progressed I thought it was really horrifying.

But the ending with the character they say hello to made me really happy :slight_smile:


It just took a little while to get going, and would have been fine in a season of 12 episodes, but I guess I was just hoping for more after last week.

It was good but not proper hide-behind-the-sofa scary

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I liked Doctor Who this week.

Creepy, no sonic, minimal characters so good acting & the plot twist with the robot that wasn’t completely predictable.

I preferred it to last week & in general the writing quality support to the previous show runner


Finished boat story today, would recommend

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So have trying to watch some classic Dr Who - it’s been quite hit & miss.

I grew up with pertwee & Tom baker repeats but they don’t hold the same magic. I am liking the Peter Davidson ones (although the Concorde serial was a bit weird).

Gone back to the Matt Smith & Donna episodes which are actually okay.

Still preferring Matt Smith era stories though - right mix between seriousness & humour.

I thought id post this Instagram Reel and this here for all my Star Trek fans.

Merry Christmas all :joy:


Just watching the new series of Vigil. It’s RAF based and fictional but whoever did the research needs a serious conversation. The uniform police would have a fit. :nerd_face:


That’s fairly accurate then based on my last few visits to RAF Stations.
Even the CCF have a better standard of uniform than I was seeing from the regulars


They already are in my Flt’s WhatsApp group!

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