What are you watching?

Watching crufts & the flyball final - really impressive how quick the dogs are!

Just watching the film Raid on Entebbe, or how to ruin Idi Amin’s weekend in one go. Seriously though tells the story very well of Operation Thunderbolt, since renamed Operation Yonatan in respect of the leader of the ground assault Lt Col Yonatan Netanyahu who was killed by a sniper on the withdrawal.

Nobody thought the Israeli’s could do anything but give, that idea was proved very wrong.

Just discovered “The Cleaner”.

Greg Davies’ mind is a dark (but very funny) place.


So so so so so good. The david mitchell episode is brilliant

Having to stay off of YouTube, as spoilers for this weeks Star Trek: Picard have appeared… and I can’t watch it til tomorrow.

I’ve just finished Star Trek: The Next Generation. 178 episodes since July I think is pretty good going given my lack of free time! :thinking: :sweat_smile:

So what to watch next?

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Deep Space 9

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Just watched Devotion on Prime. Some good flying sequences. It could perhaps have gone more into the characters given it is based on a true story.


…and then Voyage S4 onwards

…just for Eleven of Ten (sorry 7 of 9)

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Pepsi, where’s my jet?

A teenager takes on a multinational over an advert

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Deep space nine & then

For more like DS9 - Battlestar Galactica

For Star Trek:Red Dwarf - watch Voyager

For Star Trek:quantum leap - watch enterprise

For Star Trek:family guy - watch the Orville

Or for something completely different,

Soft SciFi - Firefly
Hard Sci Fi - The Expanse
Neighbours in Space - Farscape

For late at night viewing whilst drunk Sci Fi that will brain melt - watch LeXx


Started watching bevis and butthead again last night

Seen it…

Just YES!!!

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Watching Mark Rober’s latest video about UAV tech, a great company called Zipline and the new re-engineered blade technology.

My kids love this guy - totally accessible engineering.


I love this guy too! His videos are great, and varied. I had just finished watching the drone deliver video and was frankly amazed this tech is already being used! I thought it was something quite far off, but was amazing to see it being used so effectively.

Was also nice to see Rwanda. A country I know little about, but the video has made me want to visit :smiley:

Go. It’s phenomenal. I only spent a few weeks there many years ago (I spent farrrr longer north of the Rwandan border in Kabale and Kisoro - equally beautiful, but much cheaper. I definitely didn’t spend any time West of the border in DRC!! Nope. Didn’t happen.).

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Certainly one of the most interesting videos from him. His yearly videos on real life issues being solved are alway really interesting. This one especially, not sure how well implemented the drop boxes at different stores will be but certainly could be much more environmentally friendly.

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Just watched it, it was so good. I do like the ambulance concept right at the end, reminds me of a powerup in an emergency game.

Just started watching The Night Agent. And by just started I mean already on episode 3 having started this evening. Rather binge-watchy! :rofl: