What are you most looking forward to...?

Well, we’ve all got to share our ideas and suggestions on delivery :slight_smile:


My OC wants a full programme of VPNs to run alongside the face to face parade nights when we return. Where I’m supposed to find the staff to do that I don’t know…

Going off our numbers on SMS (which obviously won’t be accurate) and the building numbers restriction I’ve worked out if we were to increase the number of parade nights to three a week it’ll take us 8 weeks to cycle every cadet through a face to face parade night. I’m not sure how many of them will put up with that.

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CoughOC does them allcough


Somewhat easier for CCF at the minute…

VPNs had a reasonable uptake initially as they were novel, but as I understand it schools were delivering lessons in a similar manner. So kids are doing school virtually and then the ATC does everything virtually, except the latter isn’t particularly relevant to anything of importance. Initially there was some keeping in contact via the VPNs, but cadets have been using SM to do this before March and since. Also schools and education providers like publishers apparently made all manner of things available and came up with online solutions, to help the kids understand the subjects. There have been a number of VPNs advertised that have been talks by various people, which has limited appeal even to adults.
I love the notion of mirroring parade night activities online, OK until you start to do something practical at the sqn and cadets not having the stuff at home. We are going to be limited as to what we can do, when we eventually go back and as the nights will be drawing in, mostly indoors.
WRT cadets returning I think the biggest hits will be those who joined in the few months prior to March and those going into Yrs 11 and 13. The latter will be affected by whatever the exam bodies come up with to deal the lack of learning Mar-Jul and how schools put this into practice. Our local schools generally start Saturday “school” exam prep from the end of November for those that want to go, but I can see this happening almost from the start of the year and it being compulsory. I’ve been keeping an eye on the letters to parents on the local school websites to get a feel for what’s going on and the normal school day will be very, very, different. Our 3 local schools are doing similar things, with school years isolated in “bubbles”; specific classes, toilets, entrances, playgrounds, lunch breaks, go to school in PE kit with a blazer except Yr11 where unless it’s a GCSE they won’t be doing PE. At one school it appears science, IT, art and DT seem to be a bookable resource, so not regular lessons.
I think that for a period of 3 or 4 years as this and the restrictions dissipate, especially distancing, I believe that HQAC should ignore cadet numbers as for I feel 2 years people are not going to be living what we regarded as normal prior to 24 Mar 2020 and cadet numbers will be affected.
When it comes to staff we need to face up to the fact we are in an unprecedented situation and across the country people are experiencing all manner of out of the ordinary personal circumstances to differing degrees. So it is blasé to say where’s the evidence, “I’m alright Jack’ as it doesn’t respect the situations others may be finding themselves in. I know that 4 of the staff on the sqn are having job problems, 2 of us are working “normally”, 3 furloughed and one out of work so I’m on a wait and see, as 4 of us have more important things to worry about that the ATC. I see no point in asking irrelevant questions. You could ask today and it’s all fine but tomorrow not. Then there are those who have seen in the last 5+ months, found that actually they haven’t missed the shenanigans of the ATC high command.
If there is a lack of understanding/compassion from on high a lot more people could be saying bye, bye. Let’s face it if one group of people could have been furloughed it is all of the ATC permanent staff. I know people who do far more important things who have been furloughed or lost their jobs, as the economy crumpled.

When we do go back I’m looking forward to seeing how this all unravels and how supportive our lords and masters are, because this alone will indicate how the organisation moves on and develops from this. The future of the ATC is in their hands and their hands alone.

Hmm. That sounds rather dry and persistent - maybe you should get a test :wink:


I want never get!

If the OC wants that then he can stack up on his coffee and get cracking… that would be my reply! :joy:

I’m in this camp: wing commander very recently sent me an email that was genuinely rather nasty (and copied several people in). 6 months ago I think I’d have just taken it on the chin and worked harder to prove my chain of command wrong, but honestly I’ve learned in the last few months to have a little more self-worth. I’ve put in 15+ hours a week, every week for many years, run a successful unit (as in, represented the wing in various events at regional/national level every single year for 5 years), put in extra hours over lockdown to support other units… for absolutely no recognition and emails that, in a corporate world, would be reported to HR.
The decision to leave, in the end, has been made easy. I have realised that nothing I can do will ever be enough and I’ll always be held to ransom by the phrase ‘but it’s for the good of the cadets’. I’m honestly so looking forward to the freedom.

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I always find comments like these interesting.

Mainly, because even after 4 years of being back as staff I have only ever had one run in with a member of staff, and the message I received from my WSO telling me to get back in my box was very diplomatic. But have never really had a bad experience with other staff.

If an email received made you feel like that, why not call the wing commander and have a chat?

Without going into detail (because that would involve giving away identifying personal information) in the context of my personal circumstances it was very inappropriate. Usually I agree that having a chat is absolutely the right thing to do, but this was so far over the line that I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that. It also isn’t the first time something similar has happened.
I’m curious though: just because you’ve not had such an experience yourself, why does that lead you to doubt those who have?

No doubt at all! It wasn’t meant to read that way. I have had a few conversations with staff that have been very seriously wronged.

It’s just in my experience, so far, I am yet to experience it see it first hand. That doesn’t for one minute mean things like this don’t happen.

I think it is likely that I am just fortunate that the staff locally to me are all very decent. I can see how a “personality” could very quickly tear down what’s taken years to build.

Oh, that makes sense. Honestly I really hope that you’re just in a place where you never see that kind of thing first hand because I can imagine that cadets without some of the ‘issues’ is genuinely really fun - there’s a lot that I’ll miss doing in truth, but now the negative impact on me outweighs the positives - that’s a sign it’s time to cut loose and find a different outlet for my time & energy.

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Very sad for that to be the case, as without any staff politics cadets is a huge amount of fun… and your first post sounds like you do a lot.

It is often pretty thankless, but I’ll say it; thank you!

You do need to look after no.1 first and foremost though. I’m sure wherever you go next will be their gain and the RAFAC’s loss…

Maybe things will change when we return F2F? It’s going to be a very different landscape. Might give you a fresh lease of life for all things cadets?


If it’s that inappropriate, please do consider reporting it onwards either to your regional commandant or via a formal complaint. If it’s made you feel that bad you could use this whether you leave or not.


Maybe because they were badly treated and left?

I love what I do, and only do what I enjoy but find some of the personalities depressing and obsessed with finding roadblocks.

I’ve found a new hobby, taking my bulldozer to their roadblocks



Classic “the problem is”… type people.

I’m afraid to say that I spend a lot of time doing exactly this. If I used that time planning other activities it would be much better spent but instead I end up reading through email trails claiming issues with no references, no real data or fact to prove them wrong and provide references of why they are wrong. More often than not from permanent staff or people who should no better before opening their mouth or putting their thoughts to email.

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