What are some straight-up facts people just won't swallow?

Guys, facts?

That we really need to do all these courses…….

Ok, ‘straight up facts’ or I blitz this. Take the gripes to the gears thread.

I have a delete button and I am not afraid to use it!




“Electrocute” is only to be used in cases of death, as it is a portmanteau of “electro” and “execute”. If you’re getting even more pedantic, it’s only intentional death via electrocution.


This is my jam.

In the days of fake news define fact?

“Something that is known or proved to be true.”

So much of the above is opinion. Either the poster’s or someone else’s, the electrocute thing, fact: The email address case point: Fact. Statements about Boris Johnson: opinion.

For instance: in my opinion your post was a deliberate attempt to be obnoxious.

But I cannot prove that.

That christopher columbus didn’t discover America. He found the Caribbean and killed them all for gold but it turned out they had none.


It would seem that many actually disagree.

Edgy. You realise everyone throughout history is killing each other for money/power/religion. It’s not just the “Evil Western Colonists”

The Vikings discovered American long before Columbus.

“Climate change” is just the Climate.

Wind farms damage local eco systems and wildlife.

You can never truly have 100% renewable power.

Electric cars aren’t good for the environment.

The Scottish NHS is fully devolved to the Scottish Government since 1999, Westminster can’t touch it.

Nicola sturgeon privatised more of the Scottish NHS than the tories ever did.

45% of domestic abuse victims reported to the NHS are men.

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Edited to remove opinions. (I’m not engaging in debate on what you consider to be an opinion.)

However, I’m not sure a lot of your facts are ones that people won’t swallow. It’s pretty well known that the Vikings reached the Americas before Columbus, and of course, the Native Americans ‘discovered’ America thousands of years prior.

And Climate Change is essentially shorthand for a change in the climate which has been caused by human artificial activity, as opposed to natural processes. Which is a factual thing. (Albeit one which a lot of people still refuse to swallow)

I do!!! It’s a bit of puff coupled with a bit of lift magic! :wink:

Had the pleasure of “educating” a passenger who (a) was a flat-earther, & (b) a staunch chemtrail believer.

Oh what fun we had…

Flat-earth - Hundreds of thousand of pictures from space = all falsified of course. Ah, the curvature at altitude is a visual illusion caused by the aircraft windows. Ok dokey, please explain why the glass on all the aircraft windows (flight deck + cabin) show a flat horizon at ground level, but miraculously change the perspective evenly as the aircraft gets higher. No logical answer. Popped up to 45,000 ft so he could see the curvature; completely stumped. As to map projection, great circle routes, distances from point to point, his brain was fried!

Chemtrails - obviously the work of nefarious governments spraying chemicals to keep the population under control… So, why chemtrails over the Atlantic Ocean - who is being controlled at sea? Oh, here is a picture of propellor-driven aircraft dog-fighting in WW2 - no high altitude jets - how come there were “chemtrails” in WW2 (& earlier)? Let’s move on to production of the mind control chemicals, payment of the same by governments, transportation to airports, loading onto aircraft, original fitment of the spray equipment / container tanks to the aircraft, instructions to the pilots as to where / when to spray the chemicals…??? With so many people who have to be involved at all levels, how come no-one has ever come forward to say - “Hey, I am involved with chemtrails!!”? At near ground level, you can often see a “crop-duster” spraying a tonne or so of chemicals over a large agricultural area; how much more would be needed from 35,000 ft in order to guarantee a suitable concentration at ground level to control the populace? How would commercial aircraft have sufficient range to fly their passengers from A to B carrying so much chemical solution? Here, watch out off the flight deck windows - let’s fly through a chemtrail! :rofl:

A very, very quiet person at the end of the flight.

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30% of the total number of victims of domestic abuse victims are men, which maybe a far greater number than the number requiring NHS treatment. Consider two female MPs just elected have police records for female on male domestic abuse.

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Climate has changed since the earth has formed. Things like the hle in the ozone layer was only discovered when the instruments to find it was invented, we just don’t know how long it has been there before being ‘discovered’. Like gravity has been around since the earth formed but has only recently been 'discovered by Sir Issac Newton

Except to conflate the common usage of the term as shorthand for accelerated “man made climate change” with “climate change is just climate” is somewhat disingenuous.

No one (sane, that has ever said it loud enough to be broadly heard) has ever suggested an entirely static climate was the norm.

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It’s know to exist naturally, we discovered human actions (predominantly commonly used gases) that made it larger and affected its behaviour. Removing those problematic gases shrunk the hole, so it’s safe to say that it’s highly likely that we were correct in determining we had a detrimental interference.

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No one denies that the climate has changed since time immemorial. It’s the scale and rate it’s currently happening at which is almost certainly due, in large part to humans. The percentage change can be argued over, but almost every climate scientist agrees with the basic hypothesis. I too, like you, used to disbelieve man made climate change, but then I put down the Daily Mail I used to read every day and realised how wrong I was.

That’s just the reported number aswell. There will be more hidden.

Definately an unfair and unequal stigma.