VR(T) Commission Change

Bumped into my MP last night and got chatting. Mentioned this debacle and he said he had already written to the MOD about the terrible way this has been managed. He agrees with the principle that officers should be out of the reserves and excluded from the ambit of the AFA, but thinks its been done in an illegal manner circumventing parliament. Apparently he’s already been connected by more than one constituent saying they’ll bring legal action if it’s continued without legislative changes.

I wonder if taking away the right to complain to “the Crown” and not being subject to AFA, has actually resulted in a loss of total authority of ACO senior management? Therefore we could quite legitimately tell them where to place their ideas. So the hold up has been trying to get it all worded in such a way that FTRS officers retain their control, while removing one (if not the only) of our rights that really meant something, to those that might feel the need to use it.
Surely the loss of the complaint route for ATC officers, has to have had a reciprocal action elsewhere in the system for the pension protection mob.


I’ve just read facecloth update from comdt. The brown nosing is nauseating from the commenters.


It usually is on there.Quite sickening in fact.Although ive seen the odd dissenting comment on other posts shes done.What a total let down from the CAC when she first tok up the post I had high hopes.But she soon was churning out tosh and far too quick to think communication is done totally by FB.

"“You and your team are doing a fab job on this legal minefield Ma’am”

Does this chap know something the rest of us don’t?


Please don’t quote people from other sites who aren’t here to respond (presumably).

Why not? We are discussing content that is in the public domain, part of the awareness people need to have when posting is that anyone can see it.

I’d fully understand if something from a secured site (SharePoint) was being quoted.


its probably a good thing that i’m not involved in my Sqns social media presence…

i do wonder quite how empty the life of some toadying creep would have to be for them to think that wasting 30 seconds of it to post such a comment to such a demonstratable failure in everything she touches would be considered worthwhile.

maybe its from Barber?

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Because it’s not very fair?

By all means go on Facebook and reply, but by quoting here you achieve nothing other than trying to make the person look bad.

It’s not about it being in public or not, it clearly is. It’s about giving the person you’ve quoted and identified a chance to defend themselves which they can’t do it you’ve done it here (and they aren’t also members).

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The problem with FB is that everyone can see it, not just people from the ACO. The naivety of people using FB etc astounds me, you can understand kids being a bit blasé, but it’s when adults do it, you begin to wonder as to whether or not they should be let out unaccompanied. My only dalliance with FB is the sqn page, which I look at once in a while only put something on I feel needs to be said. Work blocks all social media via PCs

Frankly all of CACs communication with staff should be hardcopy and not even email, as that has the ability to be pushed around.

People I know who look at her posts and are quite amazed by what she puts on there. One comment was do we really need to know she’s visited some sqn and have the obligatory selfie and inane people commenting.

I think we all did, but she reverted to type pdq.

I’d heard about her from people in RAFA and her involvement in RAF Families and thought she’d be able to shake the top of tree to become more supportive. Although some from RAFA I had spoken to and since had and have been very much caveat emptor. Sometimes the old lags aren’t so easily impressed.

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being slightly serious for a moment - and i have some sympathy with your view - with regard to this particular case, what possible defence other that gratuitous toadying could you imagine the facewipe poster having?

It doesn’t really matter what their defence is, it’s affording them the right to air it. They could claim anything they like but at least they’d have that chance.

The issue with the statement made is that the near radio silence on this issue means that its nigh on impossible to know if they are doing a good job or otherwise.

It can’t be that great a job otherwise we would have meet the original timeline that was published across social media. Whilst I appreciate that some of this is out of HQAC’s control it was published as the change over and the communication since the “Pause” has been very poor until 2 weeks to go.

…but most importantly do I get a new scroll that i wont hang with my previous 2 commissions or will it be a insert name print your own pdf doc.

Otherwise HMQs auto signing machine is going to go into meltdown with that many new scrolls to sign

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We still do not know the status of the CFC and what authority it will hold. There have be no confirmation of what force we are being attached to and what authority we will have over the other cadet forces and the armed forces in general. We will be given this commission and know nothing BOUT IT.
I am not saying that we should be able to lord it over all who are junior to us but in the past on annual camps some of the younger airman have had to be warned of our more senior female cadets.

We were told it will be a military commission, it clearly is not.
We have been told the substantive rank for the CFC is Fg Off, Why?
What will the substantive rank if any will the NCOs hold? If the NCOs are being brought inline with the officers CFC officers are in a “force” then they must have a substantive rank?
Has anybody seen the wording of the commission we will be receiving? I for one will be very reluctant to sign up for something if I have no idea what I will be signing up to. I will effectively be signing away my right of redress which is fixed in RAF law to something else, something nobody who will be receiving the CFChas seen yet.

When we get answers to these and other questions the Volunteers at the coal face in 321 (Upper Cwm Scwyt) sqn may be a lot happier and may be less militant.
If you treat people like children it should be no surprise when they act like children.

Yesterday I was the parade commander of the Battle of Britain Parade in my home town organised by the local RAFA branch. This made me immensely proud as a RAFVR officer in my little corner of the RAF to lead that parade. What made me sad and a little angry was that it will be that last time I will be able to do that as a officer in the VRT. It is very sad that this link will be lost and no matter what they say in HQAC in the MoD, the link between the ATC and the parent service will be diluted with the loss of the RAFVR commission for officers in the ATC or the CCF(RAF)

Ask the questions directly on Bader - then the RC will have to get the answers…

I don’t want to aim criticism here pEp as you rule with an even fist, but you seem happy for us to quote the commandant off her Facebook page.

There is a lot of Facebook “stalkers” who share and love anything she does… especially the ones who have their own dedicated Facebook page to what they do in the cadets

That has been answered. Authority is basically the same as before as far as precedence is concerned and to be fair this has been communicated. Just remember that where cadets themselves are concerned, no member of the armed forces have greater authority than the CFAVs. If a regular officer of any rank walks over and tries to make your cadets do things you are within your authority to tell them to get stuffed (politely), even if you are a lowly sgt!

I did consider the fact they are not on here before posting but thought it was in the public domain already and people often quote things said in other forums (on and off line) who may not be here to respond. I didn’t name the individual involved so it is an anonymous quote.