Ooooh they’re already no commitment FTRS and getting overpaid. Not sure they’d appreciate being just like us and needing a real job and giving up weekends. But then again they could get a 3 day job at Tesco, Aldi, B&Q and similar collecting shopping trolleys/stacking shelves and then do the ATC for 2 days a week.
I don’t think that the SCC will be honorary RNR, rather the ‘wavy Navy’ rank will be used to distinguish SCC officers with a cadet forces commission. It’s a slightly different situation to keeping VR(T) pins, which would be analogous to their actually having ‘RNR’ written on their uniform.
Not excited - if you read my posts - I am trying to understand why (of the 2 main reasons given for the VRT to move across to a Cadet Commission) the removal of the reserve element from the Cadet Forces apparently seems to be inconsistent based on 1) the staff remaining on Reserved based engagements in the ACO and 2) another Cadet Force (who have the least amount of MoD sponsorship) retaining what they had to start with?
Its all about the principle - if the reason to change Commissions was not about the ‘confusion’ with the deployable reserve, then it should have been openly stated from the outset.
What they had to start with was practically nothing. I imagine that the “honorary” recognition merely put them on the same footing in terms of acknowledgement as the ATC, ACF and CCF officers enjoyed. As we don’t expect the latter to change in practical terms it will be an assurance to our fishy brethren that it will be business as usual. In fact, with them holding an official cadet-forces commission there will be no real need for the honorary recognition as they will hold a real commission in a separate (cadet) arm of the armed forces.
The parity is an emergent advantage from the change. The driver is that we have some members of the VR(T) who are self-important and don’t know when to admit defeat. The new commission will limit the damage they can do, though we still need robust HR processes to manage all staff better.
Maybe if the organisation treated people who give their time and money freely with respect then the sort of problems that seem to have resulted in this change wouldn’t have happened.
Our local Scout association has seen a number of experienced leaders leave recently as the new DC came in upset a number of people. I was chatting to one of our neighbours, who has been in the scouting organisation for 40 odd years as a leader, and brought several troops back from the brink, is binning it and you couldn’t hope to find someone more dedicated and passionate about the Scouting organisation.
You can sense some parallels given the backlash over this change. Unwarranted and unnecessary on the flimsy basis given, but quite obviously part of a larger plan for CF overall and this is only the first step to get the ‘ducks in a row’. Some will say I’m reading too much into it, but I’ve seen some pretty shoddy practice at work where things seem to happen that are completely disconnected and then the plan comes together and it all makes sense. I think this started when the Army took over CF shooting and what is happening now is just another part. Of course no one will say anything as it would cause too much unrest and people may well leave across all CF on the basis of it.
Will the MoD and other Goverment Agencies/Departments recognise this new Commission in same light as the VR Commissions and grant staff additional paid leave (to attend camps) as per currently?
If they don’t then there is no impetus for Private Companies to follow suit.
(Perhaps a question for the Seniors reading this thread opposed to fellow posters)
Hopefully not - it always seemed to me to be bordering on fraudulent to take up additional leave intended for proper reserve forces just to benefit our particular hobby. If the company granting the leave was fully aware of the specifics of cadet forces then they are able to make an informed decision but I know that was not always the case.
Probably the best question is whether they currently grant such leave to ATC SNCOs/WOs. If they do, then they will almost certainly continue - if they don’t, then as Incubus says then they probably never meant to anyway.
Whether its a VR(T) RAFVR(T) or RAF VR(T) thats we signed on to, a point you avoided.
I doubt I would not have joined 30 odd years ago if it were not for the close attachment. Being ex military I felt reassured that I would be working to the same rule book. I even have my own copy of QR’s (Unamended) but if I had joined the other paramilitary organsisations (the scouts) I would not know the rules or even if there were any. I suspect I would have been another of those ex servicemen who give youth a wide berth.
Just had a further thought. I know many employers who give RAFVR(T) extra leve days rather than claim off annual holiday. How will that work in the future. I doubt if it was an offical entitlement but I know some that need it. Time with the family AND time with cadets instead of either/or