VR(T) Commission Change

On SharePoint " Air Force Board approval for the removal of the RAFVR(T)
​The Air Force Board today 1 Dec 17 approved the removal of the RAFVR(T) commission wef 2 Dec 17. Further information will be promulgated in due course."" also on is:an IBN on Commission of those CS


Well thats that then! Raise a glass and say good bye to an old friend.
On ward and up ward!!


See, I read the IBN in respect of those CS who wear uniform, eg WExOs.

I thought our commissions were going to be retired and not removed.
Freudian slip?

No idea it says remove on SharePoint

i think that’s from the HQAC remit.

I’ve been led to believe the VRT now comes under VR regs

Update on SharePoint. Removal of VR(T) pushed back again…

When to now? Can’t access “Bader” at work.

Link or location, cant find anything stating that.

I got an automatic alert saying the same, however if I go to view the alert it doesn’t show. I would guess someone added it then quickly deleted it.

Yes, it seems it has been quickly deleted…

It said this, but perhaps a mistake?

​Update to VR(T). The removal of the VR(T) commission from RAFAC officers is subject to approval by the Air Force Board. The anticipated date for the AFB to approve the removal was by 1 Dec 17. This date has now been revised and it is anticipated that the Air Force Board will approve the removal of the VR(T) within the next 2 weeks. Update to follow.

So we were told that IT WAS 01 DEC and now the wording is it was ANTICIPATED BY 01 DEC.

Maybe I have a different way of interpreting English, but if someone told something WAS going to happen, I would expect it to happen, however ANTICIPATED would suggest it might happen, but don’t hold your breath.

@DJRice hoping you can answer this, what is the precedent for NCOs declaring that they are RAF and not RN etc.

Whilst Flt Lt Joe Bloggs RAFAC makes sense for officers, Sgt (RAFAC) Joe Bloggs does not, as previously the rank was Sgt (ATC), now the case is appointed to the rank of Sgt serving in RAFAC.

I’m sure I’ve seen all regulars follow the officer example…

Do you think that the VR commissions have not been removed and HQAC are indeed carrying on regardless.

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Considering the conversation I had with my WExO a few weekends ago information is not been cascaded down the CoC. Probably because the process is still ongoing and vet to be finalised.

If it’s been removed then was prob a mistake, even the commission page shows th least message of saying it was removed on 02 Dec.

Either way what does it matter, CFC is well and truely in force now.

It doesn’t matter what they call us nothing much changes, we’l still be at squadrons trying to do what we should do. The exception is that Officers will officially become civilians in uniform and our military masters have no real recourse to do anything to anyone.

Confused by this post are we not all RAFAC

Yes, however according to the Ask The Team the correct rank post nominal is;

Flt Lt Joe Bloggs RAFAC
Sgt (RAFAC) Joe Bloggs

Just looking for the precedent here…

This gets silly we should just all be RAFAC after our name the idea of the change was to bring us all in line with each other not split us apart. I.mean 1. Mod 90 officer has CFAV SNCO has Sgt (ATC) yet we are all referred to CFAV . 2 officers now civs like SNCO and rather have one type of rank slide we have one lot for officers and one for SNSOs and yet now none of us are in the RAF we are all civs . And now we have the RAFAC before or after the name it springs to mind that officers still think they are better than the rest despite being civs now

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