VR(T) Commission Change

To be more correct than previous, current officers holding RAFVR commissions (Note: officers aren’t commissioned into the VR(T), just appointed to the Training Branch) will transfer to the Cadet Forces Commission on 02 Dec.
Only new officers will be commissioned directly to CFC from 01 Dec.

If they were going to do that now would be the perfect time for them to do it and save some political face. New Defence Secretary, new priorities would be about as good an excuse as they could give.

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At some point a line is going to have to be drawn under this. The MoD will have make a decision to go for it or chalk it up as a bad idea as something that couldn’t be made to work. The endless postponements are doing nobody any favours and it is frankly getting silly.

They couldn’t get the new military CFC to work.
They are struggling to get a Civilian CFC to work.
Good money is being thrown after bad.

Is it approaching the time for somebody to make the hard decisions they are paid lots of money to make?

Kinda like the gliding debate… try lots of fixes and then find it has cost more than replacing the fleet


[quote=“the_silverback, post:2038, topic:2647, full:true”]At some point a line is going to have to be drawn under this. The MoD will have make a decision to go for it or chalk it up as a bad idea as something that couldn’t be made to work. The endless postponements are doing nobody any favours and it is frankly getting silly.

Is it approaching the time for somebody to make the hard decisions they are paid lots of money to make?[/quote]
It will depend on the rank of the person who decided this was a good idea, 2* and above (then or now) there’s no chance and we’ll stumble on blindly, because they would lose too much face.
Also there are too many gongs etc I imagine riding on getting this to happen for it not to.

There is the factor of have they done the making a decision course and passed it, by not making a decision.

8 posts were split to a new topic: RBL Wreaths

Thread drift?

Just slightly.

Apparently ATF are now stocked with the new badges. Still waiting for the others to come through the post via Wing…

Not through Wing/HQAC, but I’ve got my MTP ones

Being sent out today or tomorrow, will be at WHQ Thursday or Friday …

So are we supposed to wear them as soon as they are received or wait until Dec2?

I think it’s got to the point that it’s personal choice

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You seem to be in the know… possibly HQAC or something… is it still going to be Dec 01 or is it probably going to slip into the new year?

Is it bad that there have been so many changeover dates that I’ve now stopped paying attention to them and had completely forgotten about Dec 01?


Yep was issued mine at the weekend…

Very generous term to use!


That would be generally accepted to be the correct way to do that.

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Sounds dreamy.

Ah, but did they have to arrange the embroidering of 12 characters PLUS spacing?

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I would suspect given CAC’s and others at HQAC preoccupation with Twitter they would all be highly skilled at organising characters with distinct character limitations.

It would probably be a skill they would cite on a job application.