VA Changes Announced

It’s never been called pay on any official documents or regulations since I’ve was commissioned in 2009.

Was even referred to as such on my OIC with Mcgavigon explaining how it was meant to work.

Remuneration used to be used a lot but it’s the volunteers who have confused this with using the terminology of pay, not the permanent staff.

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I’m talking before that. I had a contract of employment with the Secretary of State for Defence, there were published daily rates of pay, we attended pay parades to be paid in cash, where we checked the amount and responded “pay correct, sir”, etc.


Reservists are under different legislation to cadet forces & always have been.

I don’t know how it was done in the 70 or 80s but I suspect there was no pay parades for CFAVs.

There certainly wasn’t in cadet units in the 90s.

Volunteer Allowance is for cadet forces who have never had a bounty.

If it quacks like a Duck it’s a Duck and we are now getting Ducking less.

How much of an “allowance cut” has every Squadron Commander just taken?


on the basis a Squadron Commander is a Flt Lt, and is now getting only Fg off rates
(number in brackets are at 20% tax)

£23.65 a day “pay” cut (£18.92)

Over ten days that is £236.5 (£189.20)
Over 20 days that is £473 (£378.40)
and the full potential 28 days is £662.2 (£529.76)

Edit to add:
those same numbers for a Sqn Ldr are (number in brackets are at 20% tax)
day = £51.57 (£41.23)
10x days = £515.70 (£412.30)
20x days = £1031.40 (£825.12)
28x days = £1444.96 (£1155.17)

From another thread:

So the VA that would effectively fund all of my Paddle UK fees has been stripped out. Looks like the organisation is either paying for them then or buying my kit.


Just for reference those numbers were the “pay” cut - as a Fg Off @ £83.88 a day rate 28x days = £2334 awarded in VA (£1878.92 @ 20% tax)

I do understand the point made by @redowling though, being £1150 (after tax) “out of pocket” going forward will have an impact on everyone, it is £100/month

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That doesn’t incluse tax though so those numbers arent actually what you’d get.

You could also have a cheeky punt at claiming those are expenses with HMRC? My accountant claimed for boots and other kit back when my pay days were higher.

I’m talking about the ACF in the ‘90s, before I was a reservist, and we certainly did have pay parades.

true nor does it take into account any “active rank” days someone would claim.

it is a quick bit of maths to show how the figures change with the data to hand.

I shall edit the numbers above on the basis of a Basic Rate (20%) tax

We also don’t know yet how the system of continuing to pay people for acting ranks will look, so it’s impossible to claim any definitive ‘losses’

I wonder if I should now ask for a lower mess bill and RAF Club rate :wink:

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You could argue for Fg Off rates as that is the paid rate now I guess?

for the RAF Club £56 per year instead of the £96 I pay (of course I would not change) not sure on my mess membership… I will need to check

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What will MOD90s say?

The same as they say now

Aren’t they trying to move us to digital ID?

Some of the questions put to the Commandant have been answered, of particular interest is that certain VA claims related to elevated responsibility will attract the acting rate.

I also note that the question about acting rank and CCF regulations has been swerved!

And that guidance has been circulated to the RCs, which implies there is already a plan for which roles will attract higher rates. How long before someone FOIs that :joy: