VA Changes Announced

That doesn’t incluse tax though so those numbers arent actually what you’d get.

You could also have a cheeky punt at claiming those are expenses with HMRC? My accountant claimed for boots and other kit back when my pay days were higher.

I’m talking about the ACF in the ‘90s, before I was a reservist, and we certainly did have pay parades.

true nor does it take into account any “active rank” days someone would claim.

it is a quick bit of maths to show how the figures change with the data to hand.

I shall edit the numbers above on the basis of a Basic Rate (20%) tax

We also don’t know yet how the system of continuing to pay people for acting ranks will look, so it’s impossible to claim any definitive ‘losses’

I wonder if I should now ask for a lower mess bill and RAF Club rate :wink:

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You could argue for Fg Off rates as that is the paid rate now I guess?

for the RAF Club £56 per year instead of the £96 I pay (of course I would not change) not sure on my mess membership… I will need to check

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What will MOD90s say?

The same as they say now

Aren’t they trying to move us to digital ID?

Some of the questions put to the Commandant have been answered, of particular interest is that certain VA claims related to elevated responsibility will attract the acting rate.

I also note that the question about acting rank and CCF regulations has been swerved!

And that guidance has been circulated to the RCs, which implies there is already a plan for which roles will attract higher rates. How long before someone FOIs that :joy:

I’ve already seen two FOIs on what do they know referring to VA that were sent yesterday…

:person_facepalming: Some people…

Really good to see in the weekly brief that they’ve linked to a Q&A based off of Qs that have come up from the VA announcement. Appreciate some answers are a bit political, but credit where it’s due, this is better communication.


At the end of the day we are supposed to be this organisation for the cadets. Now this VA change has been announced hopefully this will bring parity to snco and officers. My VA is used to pay for bits and pieces that I require to help on the Sqn. Having been a CI for many years I have so much for no VA, even taking unpaid leave for the benefit of cadets.

Think the scales are right. Tbh I would have thought Flt Lt VA scale would be the maximum for those in higher rank ie Sqn Ldr, Wg Cdr and Gp Capt RAFAC.


There’l be some people I’m sure that run squadrons for the benefit of the cadets rather than just being able to claim extra VA at events, I doubt it’ll be that nuclear.

I still pay income tax and national insurance on it so I’m sure in the eyes of HMRC (and me) it is pay


Hmrc do not see it as pay, its a taxable allowance, so i am afraid your eyes are deceivjng you.