Does anybody have a uniform agreement they could show me please that i could then use.
I don’t know what you mean by this.
Yeah, never heard of such a form.
Wondering if they mean something for the cadet/parent to sign to say they’ll look after their uniform, and give it back if they leave?
Such a form wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s written on.
If it’s gets one extra uniformed returned because they feel like they should then it’s worth exactly 1 uniform.
I believe that there is some use in this form. It will explain that the uniform is “on loan” from HMG and remains its property. When your little darling finishes cadets you should return it.
As for turning up on their front door and waving this bit of paper under their noses and demanding the return of all kit or else. Probably a waste of time and no legal standing but if it helps getting uniform back it can’t do any harm.
You want a modified f668 (the updated one not the brown cards).
It’s more often use for weapons these days but we use a modify one for uniform issues that the cadet signs.
Particularly useful in knowing what uniform has been issued & if any discrepancies.
We’ve added a bit at the bottom amount the must return it when leaving.
This is what we share with families through a JotForm so they can review and agree:
Such a paragraph used to exist on the old stiff backed 3822A form.It definitely was not worth the print space it took up.I think the wording went along the lines of the parent/ guardian returning items in a clean and serviceable condition.
Of course I as staff then a Sqn Commander I had no legal back up from the organisation to enforce this.So what usually happened was I’d either go round to a house and collect said items which were usually crushed into an ASDA carrier bag and were filthy so straight in the bin or just write them off.
Do the parents / guardians know this?
As far as I remember, I think that we have a very good success rate of uniform being returned - from the occasional new recruit who decided that it wasn’t for them, to older cadets leaving. Also, in most cases, any shoes / boots / MTP, etc have been donated too.
We take a “subscription” deposit equal to three months subs & returned when a cadet leaves. A cadet is not deemed to have left until their uniform is returned.
If we are sending chasing letters emails we remind parents that the uniform remains RAf property & it’s non-return may be logged with the RAF police…
That sounds like a good idea. Is it a lot of admin?
No not really.
As part of the join process they pay an admin “fee” that includes the cost of the Sqn polo top & the “subs” deposit.
You have to call it a subs deposits not a uniform deposit as otherwise if the uniform is not returned you would technically have to transfer the money to the RAF.
On leaving you just have a check list that for all the leaving actions including making sites subs are all paid up.
If everything’s in place raise a cheque or payment to the parent via cocoon for reimbursement.
Final step once EVERYTHING is done is discharge on bader.
Exceptions is Sqn transfer is they we refund the deposit as part of the transfer as every Sqn is different.
System is pretty good. We also do deferred leave (bit like NEP) where if a cadet is not sure (like changing schools or doing an event) we bag & seal their uniform up & hold it for three months.
If cadet comes back then we give them the bag back, if nothing heard we process the discharge.
Pretty sure that used to be banned? They always brought it up at ATF
Taking of a uniform deposit is because the uniform belongs to the RAF so if you take a uniform deposit & parents don’t return the uniform you should transfer the deposit to your RAF parent unit - who often have no mechanism to receive or account for it.
This is also why you cannot charge for replacement uniform.
A subs deposit is a different matter as that’s a committee issue and the deposit doesn’t go outside the squadron finances.
I’ve got a vague memory of macganivan saying that uniform deposits is a no-no but dubs is not provided the committee properly audit it.
can i ask are you an OC yourself of a squadron?
Yes I am have been for bout 8 years but the system was set up by one of my predecessors but we’ve tweaked it & I replaced the brown 668 cards with our local form.
Also use a version of the issue sheet as an annex to the leaver questionnaire formZ