UK armed forces' personal data accessed in hack

Does anyone know exactly what information was taken? Did it include personal email addresses too? As I have had a significant uptick in spam/phishing emails in the last 2 weeks. Could easily just be coincidence.

Email wasnā€™t mentioned in the announcement: just names, bank details, and ā€˜in a small number of casesā€™ addresses. I did wonder if the ā€˜small numberā€™ might be CFAVs (who donā€™t live in service housing)ā€¦

Iā€™ve gone from getting no more than 10 spam emails a month to 2-6 per day! Thankfully Gmail does get rid of most, but itā€™s still getting a bit annoying. Hopefully just coincidenceā€¦ But the uptick started on the 6th of May, shortly after they announced this leak.

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So Iā€™ve had my letter from the MOD today informing me, it would only include Name & Bank details and in some small number cases who will be written to separately address.

Iā€™ve had a small uptick, but generally find that me receiving more spam almost perfectly correlates to when Russia are performing better on the battlefield.

The amount of spam I receive (which AOL does mostly catch) has decreased significantly since the invasion of Ukraine began.

Iā€™ve just done all this and signed up for the Equifax product, seems to work fine.

I still canā€™t get the code thing needed to register. I am now wondering if CIs are unaffected, and thatā€™s why the link doesnā€™t work. But it would be nice if someone could confirm yes or no.

The most surprising thing about all of this is that SP get expenses paid fast enough that they could possibly notice slight delays!

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Had my letter today. So personalised that they only managed to put my surname on it. And it doesnā€™t say anything different to the announcements.

X2 persons in the house, x2 letters, both with just surnamesā€¦ and delivered to the wrong house.

At least my neighbours know me and brought them round.

Although it is addressed to ā€œdear armed forces memberā€, so now I have a letter from the permanent secretary and the vice chief of the defence staff giving me more status than the actual commission they gave us :rofl::rofl::rofl:

This is a joke btw.


I do hope you have amended your email signature for all correspondence to

Fg Off (Acting Flt Lt). :laughing::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Might get it framed and put it up next to the scroll in the mancave.

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3 years in scroll nowhere to be seen. I strongly suspect it got put in the ā€™too hardā€™ bucket as there was change of monarch between appointment and confirmation of commission.

Well, Iā€™ve just had confirmed, in writing, that I am not effected by this breach. I would therefore guess that also applies to the rest of the CI cadre.

Rather annoyed itā€™s taken this long to get that confirmed, but happy to not be effected!

Mine too. As a result, my wife opened it. No harm done in practice, but that was supposed to be a personal, confidential letterā€¦

You mean to say the MoD breached your personal data whilst informing you that they had already breached your personal data? :rofl:


That should be reported back to them as a data breach. :grimacing:


As should this:

Still nothing one way or the other here, but Iā€™m working to the assumption that I will have been affected as formerly uniformed CFAV.

Email and ask. Give them a civvie email, name, NI number and JPA number. Thatā€™s what I did, and theyā€™ve only just got back confirming that I am not effected.

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